High-Impact Low-Cost Professional Development for College STEM Faculty Richard F. Yuretich Morton M. Sternheim University of Massachusetts Amherst
STEMTEC Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teacher Education Collaborative l NSF CETP (Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation) l l Change the way science and math faculty approach teaching and learning l Increase the number of science and mathematics courses that use student- active learning and related methods
Recommended Pedagogy l Inquiry: research, PBL, open-ended labs l Collaborative Learning: formal or informal l Alternative Assessment: match course goals l Teaching Experiences: K12, peer tutoring
Recommended Pedagogy
Course Redesign Program: The Basic Model l Summer or Winter Institute + follow-up l Curriculum Teams: K12 - College Partnership l 165 college faculty; 70 K12 faculty l Each college participant redesigned one course l Significant financial incentive
Faculty Participation
The Challenge l “Institutionalizing” Curricular Changes l Maintenance of STEMTEC faculty cadre l Increasing the number of participating faculty l Promoting dissemination and publication l Reducing the age profile
STEMTEC Extended l Years 5-6 add-ons to original program l Faculty Fellows program n Alternative to extensive summer workshops n Paralleled successful Hewlett program at UMass l Writing retreat n Modeled after OCEPT program discussed in Pathways 2002 and TPPI 2004 conferences by Elaine Jane Cole
Faculty Fellows Program l Biweekly dinner seminars during Spring, 2002 l Access to STEMTEC resources on teaching and learning l Program assessment by STEMTEC evaluator Preparation of individual plans for course redesign
Faculty Fellows Program l January 24: Introduction to Program & Teaching Goals l Feb. 5: Active Learning l Feb. 19: Informal Cooperative Learning l Mar. 5: Formal Cooperative Learning (Problem- Based Learning) l Mar. 26: Assessing your students: alternatives to traditional tests l Apr. 9: Using technology effectively l Apr. 23: Critical, Higher Order, & Expert Thinking l May 7: Plans for Course redesign
Faculty Fellows Program l Continuation of dinner seminars in Fall, 2002 l Implementation of course plans l Final portfolio l $2,500 stipend
Faculty Fellows Program Second Semester Program l Sept 3:Syllabus Review l Sept. 17:Report from the Field (STEMTEC alumna) l Oct. 1: Formative Assessment l Oct. 15: Report from the Field (STEMTEC alumnus) l Oct. 29: Optional meeting for dinner and discussion l Nov. 12: Group 1 Reports l Nov. 26: Group 2 Reports l Dec. 10: Group 3 Reports n
STEMTEC Faculty Fellows l Kim Anderson, UMass Extension l Bruce Byers, UMass Biology l Ljiljana Curcija, UMass Extension l Molly Fitzgerald-Hayes, UMass Biochemistry l Jennifer Pinkham, UMass Biochemistry l Blair Perot, UMass Mechanical Engineering l Grant Wilson, UMass Astronomy l Jennifer Burrill, GCC Mathematics
STEMTEC Faculty Fellows l Elizabeth Conlisk, Hampshire Natural Science l Jaime Davila, Hampshire Cognitive Science l James Knapp, HCC Biology l Judith Maggiore, HCC Mathematics l Ileana Vasu, HCC Mathematics l L. David Smith, Smith Biology l Julianne Kinsman, STCC Mathematics l Kristin Lester, Framingham Physics/Earth Sci.
Classroom Observations
Student Engagement
Cognitive Activity of Students
Why a Writing Retreat? l K12 faculty do not have experience in writing for publication l College faculty often publish extensively in science/math research journals, but not in educational media l Everyone can use quite, secluded time to write Elaine Jane Cole, OCEPT
Agenda l Fall dinner meeting to set context, discuss possible journals l January Sunday afternoon – Wednesday noon retreat l $1000 stipend on submission of paper to a journal
Participants l 5 UMass faculty l 5 faculty from 5 other colleges l 6 K12 faculty l 4 PI’s and staff, 1 grad student Eastover Resort, Lenox, MA
Consultants l Peter Elbow, UMass: writing process l Nancy Brickhouse, U Delaware: science journals, style; individual help on drafts
Results l Very positive response l Result: 16 people submitted a total of 13 papers to refereed journals
Conclusions l Informal setting stimulates participation l Workshop leaders are facilitators l Younger faculty are more receptive l Food is a definite plus l Rewards help in reaching milestones l Effective way of sustaining faculty development