WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS - The goals A WMO global framework programme aiming at: improving the basic observation activities and data management strengthening international cooperation and data exchange
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME Need for WHYCOS Scarcity or absence of data and information on freshwater resources Obsolescence of observing networks Insufficient data management capabilities Institutional weakness of National Hydrological Services
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME The challenge Increased water demand Reduction or deterioration of available resources Floods and droughts Impacts of climate change Management of shared resources
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS – The Concept Building the capacity for water resources assessment at the national, river basin, regional and global levels Promoting regional and international cooperation in the collection, transmission, processing and archiving of hydrological data and information
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS – The Objectives Strengthen technical and institutional capabilities of Hydrological Services Promote and facilitate dissemination and use of water-related information Establish a network of key national stations
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME HYCOS components the requirements Common drainage basin Well-defined geographical and hydrological region Independently implemented Responsive to local needs and common interests Launched when the countries concerned have expressed their interest and commitment to making it a success
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME HYCOS components the development Project Initiation Stages Stage A: Request stage Stage B: Concept stage Stage C: Project proposal stage Project Implementation Stages Stage D: Preparatory implementation stage Stage E: Field implementation stage Post Project Stage Stage F: Project maintenance stage
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS governance External Coordination WHYCOS International Advisory Group (WIAG) Working under the WMO umbrella, it provides overall guidance, and ensures coordination among HYCOS components Internal Coordination WHYCOS Coordination Group (WCG) Ensures coordination with other WMO Departments and Programmes
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WIAG - Membership The President of the WMO Commission for Hydrology (chairperson) Regional Hydrological Advisors One representative from each operational HYCOS One representative from each active investor/donor One representative of the Advisory Working Group of the WMO Commission for Hydrology Representatives of prospective investors/donors Representatives of prospective HYCOSs Representatives of other international programme, regional groupings, scientific and professional associations, Representatives of other WMO programmes. The Director, Hydrology & Water Resources Division of WMO, shall act as secretary to the WIAG.
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WIAG - Terms of Reference Review and assess the status of WHYCOS Programme and its components and recommend adjustments if necessary Discuss and recommend strategies for coordinated development of the various components Consider and propose plans for increasing the visibility of the programme Explore and propose way and means to sustain and expand the programme
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WCG - WHYCOS Coordination Group Terms of Reference Ensure coordination of the inputs of WMO Departments Establish cost-recovery mechanisms Ensure coherence with other WMO Programmes Membership Secretary- General, DSG, ASG, D/HWR, D/RCD, D/REM, D/WWW, D/ETR, D/WCP, D/GCOS Task Teams Established ad-hoc for each component to ensure day-by- day cooperation among the various Departments concerned
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS - the achievements Globally Reinforcement of regional cooperation on water related activities Enhancement of regional data exchange
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS - the achievements MED-HYCOS 31 DCPs installed Regional data bank (based on 94 stations) Mediterranean hydrological information system (MHIS) on line Training events Follow-up (WOISYDES, BALWOIS)
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS - the achievements SADC-HYCOS phase I 43 DCPs installed Web site Improvement of the data management capabilities Enhancement of the potential for data exchange and dissemination Regional training events
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS - the achievements AOC-HYCOS Support to data collection activities Consolidation of the Regional Hydrological Observatory of Western and Central Africa Web site
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS and data exchange Countries are the owners of the data they generate NHSs are responsible for their checking and validation Agreement to share data and information within HYCOS project Establishment of Hydrological Information Systems Access to data using Internet and other data transmission technologies Cooperation with international data centres and programmes (GRDC, GPCC)
WORLD HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE OBSERVING SYSTEM – WHYCOS WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION – HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAMME WHYCOS References Res. 20 (Cg.XII) – World Hydrological Cycle Observing System Res. 40 (Cg-XII) - WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products Res. 25 (Cg-XIII) - Exchange of hydrological data and products WHYCOS Guidelines - for development, implementation and governance (WMO N° 1282) Web site: