Bucharest 19 th November ECPRD ICT AREA Future seminars and discussion groups Carlo Simonelli ECPRD ICT Area of Interest
2 ICT AREA OF INTEREST CONTENTS 1) on the Net seminars 2) ICT seminars 3) Discussion groups with moderators
3 ON THE NET SEMINARS PAST AND FUTURE YEAR NUMBER HOSTED BY CITY, COUNTRY 1996 Parl. on the Net I WEU Paris, France 1997 Parl. on the Net II Tweede Kamer, Dutch Parliament The Hague, The Netherlands 1998 Parl. on the Net III European Parliament Brussels, EU 2000 Parl. on the Net IV Stortinget, Norvegian Parliament Oslo, Norway 2002 Parl. on the Net V Eduskunta, Finnish Parliament Helsinki, Finland 2003 Parl. on the Net VI Senate, Romanian Parliament Bucharest, Romania 2009 Parl. on the Net VII Assembleia da Republica, Portuguese Parl. Lisboa, Portugal 2010 Parl. on the Net VIII Tweede Kamer, Dutch Parliament The Hague, The Netherlands 2011 Parl. on the Net IX Chambre des représentants, Belgian Parliament Brussels, Belgium On 12 th and 13 th May 2011
4 ICT SEMINARS PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE YEAR HOSTED BYCITY, COUNTRY 2000Assemblée Nationale Paris, France 2001Oireachtas Dublin, Ireland 2002Tweede KamerThe Hague, Netherlands 2003Cyprus ParliamentNicosia, Cyprus 2004Assembleia da RepublicaLisbon, Portugal 2006Seimas Lituhuanian Parliament Vilnius, Lithuania 2007Drzavni Zbor Slovenian Parliament Ljubljana, Slovenia 2008Danish ParliamentCopenhagen, Denmark 2009Chamber of deputies and Senate Rome, Italy 2010Chamber of deputies Bucharest, Romenia 2011Parliament of Greece Athen, Greece 2012Parliament of Hungary Budapest, Hungary
5 DISCUSSION GROUPS WITH MODERATORS Ten discussion groups have been proposed. The first four have already a moderator. 1) ICT Governance and frameworks (Carlo Simonelli, Italian Chamber of deputies, 2) Web search engines (Jerry Hilbert, European Parliament, 3) Open Data (Mauro Fioroni, Italian Senate, 4) Information Security (Margarida Matos, Portuguese Parliament,
6 MORE DISCUSSION GROUPS Six more could you be of interest To be a moderator, please contact me 5) Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Ontologies 6) Web sites and web services for mobile 7) Multimedia and WebTV 8) Cloud Computing 9) Open Source software 10) Interparliamentary cooperation for IT services
7 ACCESSING DISCUSSIONS GROUPS In order to access discussion groups area in the ECPRD web site: These are the new userid and password: Userid: ICTparliaments Password: ictgroup
8 Thank you very much for your attention! Questions? Carlo Simonelli T M