SMART METER TEXAS Smart Meter Texas Scope “Summer Release and Fall Approach” May 25, 2010
Overview of Scope for Summer Summer Scope – Meter Attributes / Capabilities – Premise Attributes – Monthly Billed Usage Report – Customer HAN Device Provisioning and De-Provisioning – SMT Automated Reporting of Statistics – REP Web Rebranding (Moved Up from Fall) – Support for Regulatory (Moved Up from Fall) – Support for Supplementals (friends) (Moved Up from Fall) 2
Overview of Scope for Fall Fall Scope – On Demand Read (Moved out of Summer) – Event Subscriptions and Notifications – Support for Third Parties – Change Requests 3
Approach for Fall Design Process Late July upon request one on one requirements design workshops with REPs to understand individual requirements to ensure that Fall baseline framework for HAN and third parties as well as other functionality will support future needs. August – September AMIT Fall functionality requirements and design sessions. August – September parallel AMIT HAN functionality design discussions as appropriate to support Fall third party and other functions. Late July – September AMIT change request review, design, approval 4
Meter/Premise Attributes Overview Meter and premise attributes will be available through SMT to the ROR, TDSPs, SMT Host, and Customers Can view, print and download Meter/Premise attributes for 1 ESIID at a time in Portal Can download Meter/Premise attributes for multiple ESIIDs via Portal or API Attributes read from SMT database – SMT presents what is online Same attributes are presented to all user types Not in Scope – Support for 3rd parties, Supplemental, Regulatory – Sorting/editing attributes 6
Meter/Premise Attributes – UI Design (REPs and TDSPs) Meter and Premise attributes would be available from My Account / Search A button will be added that links to a new Meter/Premise attributes page Export would be available from that page My Account Search View Meter Attributes View Premise Attributes Export Attributes View Premise InformationView Meter InformationExport Information View Premise InformationView Meter InformationExport Information 7
Meter/Premise Attributes – UI Design (Customers) View Premise Information View Meter Information Export Information View Premise Information View Meter Information Export Information 8
Meter/Premise Attributes – Export Request Premise Information Meter Information 9
Meter Attributes Name of the FieldDescription (Tool Tip) Electric Utility CompanyCompany that transmits and distributes electricity for this Smart Meter ESI IDElectric Service Identifier Meter NumberManufacturer Serial Number of the Meter Utility Meter NumberMeter Identifier used by the Electric Utility Company kWh Meter MultiplierA multiplying factor that is used to convert kWh readings to kWh consumption on certain (instrument rated) meters Number of ChannelsNumber of Channels the Meter is configured for Meter Manufacturer NameCompany that manufactured the Meter Last Meter Test DateLast date the Meter was manually tested Meter Class (Ampacity)The maximum current (amperes) the meter can register continuously without creating an unsafe condition at the meter socket Meter Installation DateDate Meter was installed Meter Activation DateDate when Meter started sending Usage Information to SMT Technology/Communication IndicatorIndicator of the type of communication used to transport data from the Meter Instrument RatedIndicator of whether or not the Meter requires a Current Transformer / Potential Transformer Ratio of Current TransformersThe ratio of the primary to secondary transformer windings of a current transformer that is on the source side of an instrument rated meter Ratio of Potential TransformersThe ratio of the primary to secondary transformer windings of a potential or voltage transformer that is on the source side of an instrument rated meter ESI Firmware VersionThe firmware version of the ZigBee communication module HAN Protocol (ZigBee or HomePlug)Type of HAN Protocol enabled (displayed if available) Smart Energy ProfileThe HAN compliance specification that this meter supports Interval SettingHow often the Meter is recording usage (length in minutes of the interval) In flow / Out flow (DG) CapableIndicator of whether or not the Meter is able to handle both consumption and generation metering Distributed Generation ChannelThe channel number on the meter of the Distributed Generation channel (displayed if available) Remote disconnect / connect CapableIndicator of whether or not the Meter is enabled for remote disconnects Meter StatusE/e: the Meter is energized; D/d: the Meter is de-energized (displayed if available) Meter PhasesThe number of phases that the meter handles, either 1, 2 or 3 (displayed if available) Meter ModelMeter Model Identifier (displayed if available) Electric Utility CompanyCompany that transmits and distributes electricity for this Smart Meter ESI IDElectric Service Identifier 10
Premise Attributes Name of the FieldDescription (tool tip) Electric Utility CompanyCompany that transmits and distributes electricity for this Smart Meter ESI IDElectric Service Identifier Service VoltageVoltage at the Premise (displayed if available) Premise StatusIf the value is A or a, it means the Premise is active; if the value is I or i, it means that the Premise is inactive Time ZoneThe time zone where the premise is located Fractional House Address Designator that can be used to distinguish premises with the same address (displayed if available) Leading DirectionalThe directional indicator (typically N, S, E, W) that precedes the street name (displayed if available) Street NameThe street name for the service address Street TypeThe street type (e.g. St, Ave, Ln) for the premise address (displayed if available) Trailing DirectionalThe directional indicator that occurs after the street type (displayed if available) House NumberThe House Number of the Service Address (displayed if available) Unit DesignationDenotes individual premises in multi-unit addresses, for example in apartment buildings (displayed if available) CityThe city or locality of the service address StateThe state of the service address ZIP CodeThe primary, five digit ZIP Code of the service address Zip Code + 4The secondary, four digit ZIP Code of the service address (displayed if available) Meter Read CycleThe cycle number corresponding to a meter read cycle date when data is reported for the monthly billing period Load ProfileDescribes the load profile at the service location as per ERCOT specifications Rate Class/CodeCode that identifies the tariff used by the Electric Utility Company in billing this location (displayed if available) AMS Profile Effective Date Effective start date for SMT to start sending usage data to ERCOT (displayed if available) Electric Utility CompanyCompany that transmits and distributes electricity for this Smart Meter ESI IDElectric Service Identifier Service VoltageVoltage at the Premise (displayed if available) 11
Meter/Premise Attributes Functional Flow 12
Monthly Billed Usage Overview Customers, ROR, TDSP, SMT Host will have access to Monthly Billed Usage Usage data read from SMT database – SMT presents what is online Monthly billed usage is accessed via the API or UI – API access to billed usage (BR ) – Access via UI (BR-004 and BR-008) Default: previous 12 months displayed Maximum accessible: previous 24 months UI capabilities – UI allows viewing monthly billed usage for 1 ESIID at a time – Display, print and export all monthly billed usage data elements (BR ) – Graph kWh only (BR /8) Standard bar graph – View updates/multiple versions – ROR and TDSP (BR-008) – Change time period to be displayed (BR ) Not in Scope – Support for 3rd parties, 14
Monthly Billed Usage – UI Design (REPs and TDSPs) Billed usage would be offered as another report type Exported like other reports 15
Monthly Billed Usage – UI Design (Customers) 16
Monthly Billed Usage – Export Request Monthly Billed Usage 17
Monthly Billed Usage Functional Flow 18
Customer HAN Device Provisioning and De- provisioning Overview Residential Customers and Non- Residential Administrators are automatically granted HAN rights – HAN rights will be granted on an all-or- nothing basis per Release 1.0 – Non-Residential Administrators can grant HAN access rights to Non-Residential users Customers screen functionality – Provisioning, De-provisioning – HAN Details and View History – Will reuse REP/TDSP screens Provisioner role will be added to device history A maximum of 5 (Customer and REP) devices slots can be allocated (HAN Device Check) Design does not include restrictions on messaging based on “provisioner” – ROR can send Smart Energy Profile 1.0 messages to any devices No special restrictions need to be designed for de-provisioning devices – For example: – REPs can de-provision customer- provisioned devices – Customers can de-provision REP- provisioned devices Not in Scope – Smart Energy Profile 1.0 messaging for customers – Customer provisioning & de-provisioning via API – Customers access to Message Log functionality 20
Customer HAN Device – Device List Screen 21
Customer HAN Device – ESIID List View HAN Devices > 22
Customer HAN Device – Provisioning Screen HAN Devices > View HAN Devices Page help contains information about where MAC Address and Installation Code may be found. The tool tip for the MAC Address and the Installation Code fields will display allowed characters and an example of what these fields look like. Confirmation Page displayed after Add a HAN Device informs the user that the Add request has been received and that he should check back the status of the request in a few minutes. 23
Customer HAN Device – De-provisioning Screen HAN Devices > View HAN Devices Reason for Removing is not a required field for Customers. Confirmation Page displayed after Remove a HAN Device informs the user that the Remove request has been received and that he should check back the status of the request in a few minutes. 24
Customer HAN Device – Device Details HAN Devices > View HAN Devices ConditionStatus Displayed When the Portal accepts the add/provisioning requestAdd Acknowledged When the TDSP acknowledges the receipt of the add requestAdd Acknowledged When the TDSP sends a Pending Provisioning Status (only CNP could potentially send this status)Add Pending When the TDSP sends a Meter Ready StatusMeter Ready When the Device is provisionedDevice Added When the Portal accepts the remove/de-provisioning requestRemove Acknowledged When the TDSP acknowledges the receipt of the remove requestRemove Acknowledged When the TDSP sends a Pending De-provisioningRemove Pending When a de-provisioning request fails before the de-provisioning is complete by the TDSPRemove Failed New column to be added to this table will display who added the request. -Residential Customer’s Name -NRC Company Name -Name of the ROR -Name of the TDSP 25
Customer HAN Device – Provisioning History HAN Devices > View HAN Devices Condition – statuses that take a slotStatus Displayed When the Portal accepts the add/provisioning requestAdd Acknowledged When the TDSP acknowledges the receipt of the add requestAdd Acknowledged When the TDSP sends a Pending Provisioning Status (only CNP could potentially send this status)Add Pending When the TDSP sends a Meter Ready StatusMeter Ready When the Device is provisionedDevice Added When the Portal accepts the remove/de-provisioning requestRemove Acknowledged When the TDSP acknowledges the receipt of the remove requestRemove Acknowledged When the TDSP sends a Pending De-provisioningRemove Pending When a de-provisioning request fails before the de-provisioning is complete by the TDSPRemove Failed Condition – statuses that do not take a slotStatus Displayed Provisioning Request Rejected by TDSPAdd Rejected When a the TDSP sends a provisioning failureAdd Failed De-provisioning Request Rejected by TDSPRemove Rejected When the Device is de-provisionedDevice Removed New column to be added to this table will display who added the request. -Residential Customer’s Name -NRC Company Name -Name of the ROR -Name of the TDSP 26
Customer HAN Device Provisioning and De- provisioning Functional Flow 27
SMT Automated Reporting of Statistics Overview CriteriaTotal as of midnight User Counts Residential Users 1563 Spanish Residential Users16 NRC Users 23 REP Users 294 TDSP Users 64 Total users 1772 Entity Counts in DB NRC Entities 23 REP Entities 28 ESIID Counts Total ESIIDs in DB 897,903 Residential ESIIDs registered 1625 Non-residential ESIIDs registered 36 HAN Devices HAN devices provisioned 127 HAN devices deprovisioned 53 HAN messages processed 12 HAN message log requests 4 REPs, Regulatory and TDSPs Report items are at right Report will be created weekly and filed by a TDSP in project The TDSPs will include in their monthly compliance reports that they have filed the SMT status weekly in
REP Web Re-branding Requirements and Options BR #Requirement BR Ability to display usage data in portlets for REPs to develop and use, on their own, with their own logo BR a Ability to display monthly billed KWH usage data in portlets for REPs to develop and use on their own BR b Ability to display the REP logo in the portlet Two methods for interpreting the stated requirements – (Synchronous Web Services) API for small amounts of data – Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286) Both are machine-to- machine APIs Both offer different strengths/weaknesses 31
REP Web Re-branding Smart Meter Texas Integration Environment REP Portal API REP uses SMT data to present varied views of customer usage SMT Portal End-Customer API Varied data views 32
SMT is Recommending the API Option (Synchronous Web Services) API for small amounts of data – Pros Leverages the existing ad-hoc usage query and HAN web services security infrastructure REPs do not need to build a portal to use this API REPs have unrestricted ability to innovate around the services they offer to customers – For example. A unified view of interval, daily register and monthly billed usage data or advanced analytics – Cons REPs with existing Portals have to build their own portlets Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR 286) – Pros REPs do not need to build portlets but still must have or implement a portal – Cons REP portals are limited to reporting functionality implemented by SMT REPs customer account information must be in SMT – Requires federated identity management JSR implementation is more complex than web service implementation (SMT assessment) 33
REP Web Re-branding Proposal Re-branding is available to ROR only SMT will provide synchronous versions of existing APIs – Interval Data, Daily Usage, Billed Usage Invocations secured using existing system account & credential exchange – Leverages the R1 HAN and ad-hoc query infrastructure Synchronous limits are strictly enforced – 1 ESI ID/40 days for Intervals – 1 ESI ID/40 days for Daily Registers – 1 ESI ID/24 months for Monthly Billed Usage REP responsibilities – Development of their own portlets – Assuring the user has proper access to the data ROR authorizes user access to the ESIID SMT validates the ROR system account and ROR access to the ESIID Not in scope – Assistance in developing REP software 34
Regulatory Overview Registration – Host will setup the initial Regulatory administrative (first admin) accounts Regulatory Admins & Users will have access to ALL ESI IDs Reporting – Have access to existing portal UI usage reporting Interval usage, daily meter read usage, and billed usage No access to premise and meter detailed data – Batch reporting upon request for PUCT History of SMT Access by person (who, frequency, duration) (BR ) History of 3rd Party Access (who, duration) (BR ) Report output will be delivered encrypted to the PUCT Entity address, regardless of who requests the report (CSV format) Data Extracts by Request – No automatic files for Regulatory Users Not in scope – Ad-hoc undefined reports – HAN functionality 36
Regulatory Registration Regulatory Entity View meter usage data for all Texas Smart meters. Request Access to an Existing Regulatory Accountor see if your Regulatory entity is already registered. Regulatory Entity View meter usage data for all Texas Smart meters. Request Access to an Existing Regulatory Accountor see if your Regulatory entity is already registered. Access will be via Private URL 37
Reporting: History of SMT Access by Person 38
Reporting: History of 3 rd Party Access This report is contingent upon development for the 3 rd Party role. It is being removed from the Summer release and will be bundled with the 3 rd Party functionality in the Fall release. 39
Supplemental (Friends) Concepts Master Agreement One Master Agreement defines that there is a relationship between the Customer & the Friend Master Agreement ties to Friends by UserID, once active Pending Friend agreement contains Key + Either party may end the agreement at will ESI ID Agreement Customer may add or remove ESI IDs to the Master Agreement Tied to Master by prefix on Agreement-ID Customer may change permissions at will Friend has view-only to ESI ID Agreement 41
Supplemental (Friends) Overview RES Customer as Supplemental – Only Residential accounts are eligible to be Supplemental Users Non-existent SMT User Registration – Only Residential Customers can invite people to register as a Supplemental – Registration as a Supplemental User (not an existing RES Customer) is by Residential Customer invitation (Agreement Key) – SMT matches on address and Agreement Key 42
Supplemental (Friends) Overview Access to data is authorized by Customers – Only Residential Customers can create Friend Agreements – Customer creates a Master Agreement with the Friend – Customer may have a maximum of 5 Friends – Customer grants access by creating ESI ID Agreements under the Master Agreement – ESI ID Agreements have no expiration date but can be removed at any time – Authorization for ‘data’ includes interval usage (13 months), daily meter reads (13 months), billed usage (24 months), – Access is granted by address and agreement key ( address is not unique in SMT); relationship is with Friend’s UserID once the Friend accepts the Master Agreement 43
Create a New Friend Master Agreement 44
Customer View: Existing Friend Agreements Add AgreementEdit AgreementRemove Agreement Add AgreementEdit AgreementRemove Agreement Friends Add A FriendEdit AgreementRemove Agreement Add a FriendEdit AgreementRemove Agreement My Friends Remove will display pop-up asking for confirmation Edit will allow adding / removing meters & permissions 45
Customer View: Add a Friend Add Friend Add a Friend Cancel Friends > Add a Friend Add Friend Add a Friend Cancel Friends > Add a Friend 46
Customer View: Edit Friend Agreement , Doe, John, Add a Meter to AgreementUpdate Add a Meter to AgreementUpdateRemove Meter Back Friends > Edit Friend Agreement Edit My Friend Agreement Add a Meter to AgreementUpdate Add a Meter to AgreementUpdateRemove Meter Back Friends > Edit Friend Agreement No Data checkbox – Friend automatically gets usage All Friend Agreements are perpetual – do not expire These are existing meters that are already included in the Agreement Notifications has been removed from this release. X X 47
Customer View: Add a Meter to a Friend Agreement My Friend Agreement Add Meters to Agreement Cancel Select Smart Meters to add to your Friend Agreement: , Doe, John, Notifications Friends > Edit Friend Agreement > Add a Meter to Agreement Add Meters to Agreement Cancel Select Smart Meters to add to your Friend Agreement: Notifications Friends > Edit Friend Agreement > Add a Meter to Agreement Add Meters to Agreement These are meters attached to the customer account that can be added to the Agreement Notifications are in the Fall release. X 48
Friend Accepts Master Agreement 49
Friend Registration Friend (invited by a Residential Customer) You have been invited by an existing Residential Customer. View your friend’s electricity usage. Create a Friend Account 3 rd Party Create an account to view Smart Meter Texas data for a customer. The Customer must grant you permission to view usage. Friend (invited by a Residential Customer) You have been invited by an existing Residential Customer. View your friend’s electricity usage. Create a Friend Account Friend (invited by a Residential Customer) You have been invited by an existing Residential Customer. View your friend’s electricity usage. Create a Friend Account 3 rd Party Create an account to view Smart Meter Texas data for a customer. The Customer must grant you permission to view usage. 3 rd Party Create an account to view Smart Meter Texas data for a customer. The Customer must grant you permission to view usage. Access will be via Public URL 50
Friend Registration Friend Account * Agreement Key: Friend Account * Agreement Key: Friend Account * Agreement Key: Friend Account * Agreement Key: address must match that entered by Residential Customer 51
Friend View: Friend Agreements Authorized Agreements (from your Friends)Friend Agreements (from your Friends) View AgreementRemove AgreementAccept Pending AgreementView MetersRemove FriendAccept Pending Friend View AgreementRemove AgreementAccept Pending AgreementView MetersRemove FriendAccept Pending Friend 52
Friend View: View ESI ID Agreements Authorized Agreements (from your Friends), John M Doe Back View My Friend’s Meters , Doe, John, Back Friend Agreements > View Meters All fields are view-only Notifications is not part of the Summer release. X 53
Friend View: Existing SMT Account Accepts Friend Agreement, John M Doe Accept AgreementCancel *Agreement Key: Accept Pending Friend Accept FriendCancel *Agreement Key: Friend Agreements > Accept Pending Friend address in Account’s profile must match that entered by Residential Customer Acceptance will change the Agreement from Pending to Active SMT will create agreement record w/ Friend’s UserID so that there is a unique relationship (allows Friend to change his address w/out affecting the Agreement once it is active) If a Residential Customer invites you to be a Friend, you will receive an Agreement Key in your . To accept your Friend’s invitation, you must enter the Agreement Key here. If you cannot find the Key, contact Your Friend -- the Agreement Key is available to your Friend when viewing Friends 54
Residential / Friend View: Usage Tab My Friends Meters Usage Tab, left navigation will distinguish between My Meters and My Friend’s Meters My Meters will access Residential Customer meters My Friend’s Meters will search Friend Agreements to determine access rights 55
Actions that will Terminate a Friend Agreement Master Agreement Customer or Friend removes agreement Customer’s SMT account is revoked, including revoke for inactivity Friend’s SMT account is revoked, including revoke for inactivity Friend fails to accept pending Agreement within 14 days ESI ID Agreement Move Out (or forced Move Out) transaction removes the ESI ID Customer removes meter from SMT account TDSP replaces Customer meter w/ non-Smart Meter – Replacement w/ another Smart Meter will have no effect on the agreement – Customer & Friend will continue to have access to existing historical data for old meter TDSP removes Customer meter (not exchange) – Customer & Friend will continue to have access to existing historical data for old meter Terminated Agreements will be marked w/ an expiration date but record of the agreement will be kept for historical logs 56
Thank You For The Opportunity To Discuss SMART METER TEXAS 57