Development of a Standard Methodology for Converting SNMP MIBs to Resource Models for the SOA/Web Services Management Environment (MIB2RMDL) Bob Natale - IETF 68 – Prague - March 21, 2007 – Rev. 1 -The SOA/WS management community has a problem: -Insufficient # and range of standardized resource models -Correctly converted SNMP MIBs can help to solve that problem: -Standardized, numerous, multi-domain, instrumented -The IETF O&M community is the right group to lead that effort: -Expertise, continuity, authority, control
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 2 Agenda Problem/Opportunity Description Potential Beneficiaries & Benefits Background Proposal Comments Received Next Steps Q&A
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 3 Problem/Opportunity Description - 1 The SOA/WS management community lacks a critical mass of standardized data models in appropriate formats to deliver acceptable solutions to the (waiting) user community. The existing body of IETF SNMP MIBs can fill a major portion of that gap very quickly if they are converted to appropriate SOA/WS “resource model” artifacts. The IETF should take the lead in standardizing the methodology for converting SNMP MIBs to SOA/WS resource model artifacts. The IETF might also consider making reference implementation tools freely available (in a manner similar to xml2rfc).
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 4 Illustration of the Problem Space Manager Managed Entity Mgmt Protocol Messages Info Model Data Model Simplified Generic View SNMP Manager SNMP Agent SNMP SMI MIB Simplified SNMP View Mgmt Service Mgmt Endpoint SOA/WS Mgmt Protocol ??? Simplified SOA/WS View Decisions about supported artifacts needed here. 2 Standardized Conversion Methodology Proposed IETF O&M work
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 5 Problem /Opportunity Description - 2 Emerging SOA/WS management solutions face some major near-term limitations: Lack of standardized “resource models”, esp. for node and network management. Little desire among vendors to incorporate SNMP into their products. Strong desire among operators for a unified management solution, emanating from the service management perspective. The existing (and future) body of SNMP MIBs is an unequalled set of proven data models for node, network, and application management. Managed object instrumentation supported by those SNMP MIBs can be made more readily accessible to SOA/WS management solutions at relatively little cost and with substantial benefit to all stakeholders.
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 6 Illustration of the Target Environment SNMP Manager SNMP Agent Mgmt Service Mgmt Endpoint SOA/WS - SNMP Proxy MIB 2 RMDL Res Model MIB SNMP Manager component not required Multiple instances of all components possible Blue indicates SOA/WS mgmt components Green indicates SNMP mgmt components Red indicates intermediary mgmt components Solid lines indicate the native mgmt protocol paths Dashed lines indicate proxied mgmt protocol paths Quirky lines indicate once-only conversion paths 1 Primary goal is to standardize the MIB2RMDL conversion methodology to provide greater management coverage from the SOA/WS management service by making instrumentation via SNMP agents transparently available via SOA/WS resource models.
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 7 Potential Beneficiaries & Benefits SOA/WS Management vendors More appealing products to offer No need to reinvent the wheel wrt SNMP MIB data models or instrumentation SNMP-managed equipment vendors Broader market for existing products w/o code changes SNMP Management vendors Supply MIB2RMDL conversion/validation tools Supply WS/SNMP proxy solution Eventually supply SOA/WS instrumentation in existing SNMP- managed NEP products SOA/WS Management user community More unified management solutions from the service layer Fewer distinct management tools to have to purchase, operate, and correlate
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 8 Background – 1 Some starting points Work on SNMP MIB to XML conversion is a solid start on a necessary part of the solution. XML alone is not sufficient because the SOA/WS management approach requires: More extensive (structured) description of manageable resources Modular packaging of descriptive elements Apache Muse open source project (WSDM) can help guide this work and test outputs Eclipse COSMOS (resource modeling) open source project can help guide this work and test outputs MIB2XML, SMIng, NETCONF, XCAP, etc., provide likely sources of relevant IETF expertise. Discussed next
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 9 Background – 2 Candidate resource model artifacts XML (eXtensible Markup Language) RDF (Resource Description Framework) WSDL (Web Services Description Language) WS-Addressing (Web Services Addressing spec) WS-Policy (Web Services Policy specs) Including WS-Security related specs WS-CIM (Common Information Model) SML (Service Modeling Language) CML (Common Model Library) OWL-S (Ontology Web Language - Services) Apache Muse (WSDM) focus Eclipse COSMOS (resource modeling) focus 2
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 10 Proposal The IETF O&M Area should take the lead on development of a standard methodology for converting SNMP MIBs to SOA/WS management resource model artifacts. This effort should leverage the Apache Muse and the Eclipse COSMOS projects for resource model artifact selection and testing/verification of conversion outputs. This is a proposal for the IETF O&M Area to take on a defined task, with concrete near-term deliverables that have utility and value for the broader O&M community. It is somewhat atypical of our historical efforts, but not without direct precedent, and positions the Area to be a leader in forward-looking network management solutions.
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 11 Comments Received Mark Ellison: General editorial help CA: Positive; consider WS-CIM IBM: Positive; emphasize XSD basis; leverage Apache Muse and Eclipse COSMOS; produce directly usable artifacts Juergen Schoenwaelder: Clearly define what is needed by the SOA/WS mgmt community; clearly define benefits for stakeholders; questions reference to SNMPv3 security in the Draft Andy Bierman: Clarify API status; leverage and/or support NETCONF; concerns about “proxy use case; points to CLI use case (in contrast) Dan Romascanu: IETF relevance; SOA/WS terminology; concerns about tools as IETF outputs
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 12 Next Steps Wait for SOA/WS marketplace to finalize resource modeling decisions? Might complicate life for eventual MIB2RMDL conversion methodology Might ignore IETF (O&M and broader) requirements and conventions Take the lead (recommended): Form IETF O&M Area WG to standardize the MIB2RMDL methodology Specifications Reference implementation tools (optional) Collaborate with NMRG on fast-track applied R&D Leverage and guide related industry open source efforts (Eclipse COSMOS and Apache Muse)
19-March-2007 Natale - IETF 68 - Prague - Ops Area Mini-BOF 13 Thanks for your time, attention, and feedback! Questions, Comments?