Introduction The British museum training program 2008
The importance of the program The ITP let me know more about the museum sector. Let me know more about the galleries and how the objects displaying.
We visited the departments of conservation and scientific research. Let me know how we can reserve the collection during the tour of the reserve collection about the stores of the materials that we visited the organic,metal,ceramics,scarbs and small objects stores.
The collection of ceramic
The display for the Egyptian objects
See the archeological sites in u k
Know more about excavation in different weather Cardiff)
See the relationship between the BM and the archeology in Egypt through the projects
Working in ceramic with the BM mission in kwm ferine
personally The program created for me a net work of colleagues around the world. Know more about the cultures of other countries. Let me know how the team work create a great work.
Thankful SCA BM staff Cardiff staff