1 Services and Cloud Computing Work Groups: Status Update Brand Niemann US EPA January 8, 2010
2 Last Update on December 18, 2009 Cloud Computing Advisory Group Meeting: –Work Group Reports: Standards – NASA Ames CIO Chris Kemp will convene a Standards Web Workshop in late January Operational Excellence - Continuing to work with CIOC/AIC towards Reference Architecture and a model Statement of Work for Cloud Computing Services. Security – Peter Mell working with Trusted Internet Connection Team. Communications – Planning to host a vendor day in late winter. –Presentations: LBNL’s Expedition into the Cloud, Rosio Alvarez, CIO: –Use NIST Cloud Computing Definition to identify “cloud imposter vendors”. –See *Navy SPAWR Dahlgren’s Net-Centric Adapter for Legacy Systems (NCALS): Affordable Migration of Legacy Data, Software, and Systems to Clouds, Alan Thomas, Senior Scientist: –See Net-Centric Adapter for Legacy Systems at CIOC/AIC Learn by Doing Proposal to the CCAG for Architecting Cloud-Based Acquisition Services, George Thomas, Technical Architect, HHS (limited time – to be rescheduled). Put Your Desktop in the Cloud to Support the Open Government Directive and Data.gov/semantic, Brand Niemann, Senior Enterprise Architect, US EPA. –See next slides and * Tim Thomas will follow-up with invitation to participate.
3 Put Your Desktop in the Cloud to Support the Open Government Directive and Data.gov/semantic NextGov - Technology and Business of Government: –Put Desktops In Cloud, December 28, 2009.Put Desktops In Cloud The real challenge will be convincing the entire federal bureaucracy to give up control to the cloud. Niemann called for desktops to go to the cloud in honor of the December 8 release of a White House open government directive that instructs agencies on how to foster collaboration and transparency in government. –Government technology made huge leaps during past decade, December 29, 2009.Government technology made huge leaps during past decade Niemann said he uses his personal iPhone because it is more versatile than government handhelds, and "saves the government money on my time and support needs." He added that it "works well with my cloud computing desktop apps."
4 DoD’s New Online Storefront NextGov - Technology and Business of Government: –Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that, January 7, 2010.Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that The project differs from other cloud-based, one-stop shops such as the government-wide Apps.gov site because it will offer instant access to tools and easy authentication. Apps.gov is a storefront for ordering cloud computing services. The Defense site will allow users to download personalized applications immediately and start using them on their browsers.
5 DoD’s New Online Storefront NextGov - Technology and Business of Government: –Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that, January 7, 2010.Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that Risacher eventually plans to get elements of the Defense storefront approved as standards so other agencies can replicate it. Cloud computing advocates say it could save the government billions of dollars and offer agencies more flexibility, according to a Sept. 21, 2009, presentation by Risacher at the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium Cloud Computing Workshop.
6 DoD’s New Online Storefront NextGov - Technology and Business of Government: –Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that, January 7, 2010.Need a Defense business service? 'There's an app for that Comment by me posted, January 8th: –Thanks to you for the excellent story and to DoD for excellent leadership! When I first heard DoD mention this at a cloud computing workshop last September I realized that I was pursuing the same idea and that not only should agencies do this, but individual government employees, in support of the Open Government Directive, a Data.gov/semantic, etc, - see
7 DoD’s New Online Storefront Note: A prototype of the storefront is live. Risacher expects to open the Web site to a limited user base by the end of February and to expand availability to a broader Defense population in May.
8 9 th SOA for e-Gov Conference Announced for April 5 th at MITRE, McLean, VA (but date may change). Possible agenda items: –Doug Bourgeois, DoI National Business Center Manager, keynote on NBC: Evolution to Cloud Services with SOA. See –Cory Casanave and George Thomas demoing a cloud-based acquisition service by HHS. –Eric Marks leading a discussion about his "Cloud Book Briefing“. –Alianna Maren doing a tutorial based on her new book “Cloud Computing with Python (On the Google AppEngine): Improving Business Processes and Profitability”. See
9 NBC Cloud Computing Note: I am using the NBC Cloud at
10 Suggested Speaker for March NCOIC Cloud Computing Session