Vocabulary Unit 17 th grade Using a Dictionary and Thesaurus
Initiate To start something. Example: I initiated the flag football game in the backyard.
boredom Nothing interests you or you feel tired and restless Example: As I waited at the doctor’s office with my mom, boredom set in.
monotonous Dull, repetitive, doesn’t change Example: Sometimes school days feel very monotonous until something exciting happens.
Bland Mild, dull Example: The chicken wings were very bland and didn’t have a lot of flavor.
Persecute To harass someone or treat someone cruelly, especially because of their beliefs. Example: My brother persecuted me because of the music I like to listen to.
Dilemma Making a difficult decision Example: I was faced with a dilemma to either go to Disney Land or on a cruise with my family.
Eavesdrop To listen secretly to a conversation Example: I caught my little sister eavesdropping on my mom and dad when they were discussing her birthday present.
Conspicuous Something that stands out and is easily seen Example: My brother’s new tattoo was very conspicuous even though he thought it was hidden.
Testimony Evidence that supports a fact, a statement you make under oath (in court) Example: The boy testified that the man was the person he had seen stealing in the store.
Restraint When you hold yourself or someone else back from something Example: My little brother showed restraint even though he was so mad when the dog ate his snack.
Notorious Well known for something bad Example: Some rappers are notorious for having offensive lyrics.
Implication When you suggest something without saying it straight out Ex: My mom implicated that she didn’t like my haircut just by the look on her face.