Teaching and Learning with ICT Mel Philipson
Transforming The Way We Learn The National Vision Improve life chances –Higher attainment and standards Renaissance of learning –Empowered leadership –Pupils and teachers Entitlement and equality of access Diversification of tools – differentiation Inclusion
Transforming Learning Need to understand the contribution of ICT what does it add to the recipe? how does it contribute to the management of learning? Understand the mix of technology and other tools Curriculum Management and Admin –Use of meaningful data
Where are we now? Increased status for ICT in schools Greater public awareness Government commitment for ICT development Improved use of ICT Rising standards Challenge to continue to raise standards
Current Position Critical Mass in Schools CPR – 1:10 Primary, 1:6 Secondary Average spend on ICT: –£15,400 in Primary, £76,300 in Secondary –Schools using own funds to top up NGfL Almost all Schools connected to Internet Teachers more confident ICT beginning to impact on workload
Impact of ICT Use of ICT improves standards in other subjects (Becta 2000) Targeted use of ICT impacts on literacy and numeracy KS2 (Northern Grid, 2002) Extends learning contexts (OFSTED 2002) Improvements in: –Concentration; motivation and behaviour, communication
Subject or Tool? ICT PoS –Progressive ICT skills –Skills need to be taught –Formative and Summative Assessments needed ICT as a Cross Curricular Tool –Needs to enhance and strengthen the subject –EG, Digital maps and photos in Geography
ICT Learning Materials Need to reflect demands of curriculum On Line assessments and feedback Focus on the needs of the learner Enable teachers to target learning –Engage with meaningful data Be fit for purpose – –whole class, groups, individual Teachers as curriculum experts ( OFSTED 2002) –Designers and Evaluators
On Line Learning Growth in Interactive and Multimedia Broadband a key element in delivery 23% of schools have broadband – BUT all schools need broadband Broadband positively impacts on Teaching and Learning – (OFSTED 2002) Any time Any Where Learning
Teaching Strategies Planning –appropriate use of ICT linked to Learning Objectives Prior Learning –Pupils as digital experts Interventions –Keeping on track, Challenging, Questioning Assessments –Linked to LOs –Used to plan next stages
ICT and Learning Styles Personalised learning –Choice, diversity, remote experts, communication Preferred Learning Styles –Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Visual, Logical, Creative –Flexible – same material presented in different forms –Differentiation Thinking Skills –Knowledge Acquisition, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
The Challenges Managing ICT to support learning Pursue high expectations for learners Commitment to ongoing developments Learning out of school.
The Reality? The real contribution of digital media to education is a flexibility that could allow every learner to discover their own personal paths to learning. In the learning environment of the future, every learner will be “special”. Seymour Papert