B triggering Fabrizio Palla INFN Pisa Consorzio CMS Italia Firenze 7 Sept. 2001
DAQ TDR Deadlines : November 2002Milestone March 2002 concentrate on (a) Algorithms (b) CPU needed A preliminary document available
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept B objects There are NOT LVL1 b objects u but LVL1 muons and jets will give objects in which b hadrons can be searched for Very demanding for the HLT is to design trigger tables for u INCLUSIVE B Background from QCD u EXCLUSIVE B Background from other b’s
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Framework Start from LVL1 Trigger primitives Study 1) the amount of data volume needed 2) to achieve a given signal selection efficiency 3) for a desired background level 4) for the number of operations of the algorithm Philosophy is based on ACTION ON DEMAND
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Partial Tracking Reconstruction Track reconstruction using only a small number of DetUnits Track reconstruction using only a small number of DetUnits around a given portion of ROI (a jet, a muon etc) and stopped when certain conditions are matched u Example start from pixel seeds and add one Silicon hit at the time compute p T and ask for more hits if p T >1 GeV/c can stop for whatever condition reached e.g. impact parameter smaller than 2, or anything else Can also start from LVL2 muon seeds
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Preliminary studies to be done How to define the ROI? Precision of the impact parameter measurements (and significance) as a function of the number of hits along the track compared to the full reconstruction Is any sorting of the pixel seeds in p T or I.p. helping? Is vertexing feasible? …
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Inclusive b triggers 1) Soft leptons based (the “easiest” part) u A soft lepton from LVL2 trigger might match with a track validate muon LVL2 p T use p T relative to the jet direction ask for minimum i.p. significance How many tracks are matched? Is the jet direction from LVL2 well defined? Can one look for other b-tracks around the muon?
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Inclusive b triggers (cont’d) 2) Track based (the real challenge!) u inclusive jet triggers biased in p T of the tracks or in their multiplicity ask for minimum i.p. significance ask for vertices How many tracks need to be investigated? Is the jet direction from LVL2 well defined? Is there a compromise between the number of tracks to be analyzed and their quality? Study several tracking strategies (Kalman vs Riemann etc)
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Impact parameters Problems in the partial reconstruction u impact parameter depends on the precision of the closest measurement point to the beam u technically needs to “smooth” the track back to that RecHit SLOWER wrt simple p T computation u How to select track candidates? u How fast one could go?
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Exclusive b triggers 2 Leptons main issue is J/ need to prove that is feasible Fully hadronic u more problematic B D s Common problem: u precision on the invariant mass as a function of the partial track reconstruction
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Actions Set-up a LVL1 Triggers for inclusive and exclusive B events Preliminary studies using partial reconstructed tracks on u tracks impact parameters u invariant masses resolutions u vertexing
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Actions common framework for generating B events identify few decay modes and estimate number of events to be generated B s J/ fully hadronic
Fabrizio Palla Firenze 7 Sept Actions Find volunteers for the highest priority studies and inclusive triggers! Exclusive B triggers u Already a small group of people interested u Propose to have a meeting on on Sept. 19 Real challenge to have some preliminary answers for Dec. 2001