1 Vladimir Botchko, Jussi Parkkinen, Heikki Kälviäinen
3 for previous picture site. for this picture site.
4 Image Model n where
5 Image Model
7 Statistical Analysis of Natural Images n
9 n
10 Synthetic texture coloring algorithm n Synthesizes the vector field n Sets the mean vector according to the given spectrum n Sets the standard deviation vector n Computes the vector field n Reproduces the color image through the multispectral image n Enhances texture contrast
11 Synthetic texture coloring n
12 Gray level texture image coloring algorithm n Normalizes the gray level image n Copies the normalized image several times to get a vector field n Sets the mean vector according to the given spectrum n Sets the standard deviation vector n Computes the vector field n Reproduces the color image through the multispectral image n Enhances texture contrast
13 Gray level texture image coloring
14 Gray level texture image coloring
15 Gray level texture image coloring
16 Gray level texture image coloring n
17 The ”Water Lily Pond”, Claude Monet
18 Gray level composed image coloring
19 Final coloring results n.n.
20 High order statistics role in color reproduction
21 Color reproduced through the only HOS !