IASSIST conference 2006 Efficient Ingest of Datasets in a Two-Stage Archival Process: The First Phase - Easy-Store Marion Wittenberg
IASSIST conference 2006 Joint initiative of Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) In the field of social and behavioural sciences and the humanities.
IASSIST conference 2006 Data contract All projects funded by the Research Council (NWO) are bound to give access to their data Through trusted digital repositories or via DANS Always a copy to DANS DANS portal
IASSIST conference 2006 Two-Stage Archival Process
IASSIST conference 2006 Easy Store Shifting the responsibility of the creation of metadata from the archivist to the researcher Basic metadata File upload
IASSIST conference 2006 Requirements Upload data and enter metadata for a dataset by researchers themselves through the Internet Search on and download datasets A workflow process that will be applied by the data archivists Support for persistent identifiers Support for authorization and authentication Linking and integration with other (3rd party) systems in the future.
IASSIST conference 2006 Development In-House Development Storage component Web-access component OAIS LOCKSS XML metadata Open Source
IASSIST conference 2006 Data upload
IASSIST conference 2006 Dublin Core
IASSIST conference 2006 workflow
IASSIST conference 2006 Catalog search
IASSIST conference 2006 Description and download
IASSIST conference 2006 Conclusion Easy store: enables researchers to deposit and download research data and enables data archivists to work more efficiently Release: august 2006 Open Source