1 Dalian – September Creativity vs Efficiency BUCHAREST May 15th 2008
2 Summary 1 - La Poste Group presentation 2 - Direct Marketing trends in France 3 - 0pportunities on the Romanian Market
3 LA POSTE GROUP Presentation
4 1st employer in France: Over 300,000 employees 1st retail network in Europe: 17,000 Post Offices Turnover: € over 20 billion (+3.3% compared to 2006) (almost 1 % of the French GDP) 44 million accounts € 220 billion deposits Over 27 billion pieces of mail handled 62 Million inhabitants LA POSTE changed status from an administration to a public company 17 years ago
5 MAIL EXPRESS PARCELS FINANCIAL SERVICES net income (in € million) TOTAL 70% of La POSTE’s turnover comes from open markets, often with extensive competition.
6 Key figures in 2006 €11,316 in 2006 billion in turnover : 56,4% of La POSTE group turnover. 46% of the mail’s turnover was open to competition in ,000 employees, including: 100,000 letter carriers. 81.2% next-day delivery. € 3.4 billion invested in modernisation over 7 years. Mail
7 N°2 in Germany N°4 in the United Kingdom N°1 in Portugal N°2 in Ireland N°1 in Spain N°1 in France N°5 in the Benelux N°3 in Switzerland N°2 in Poland N°1 in Russia N°1 in Turkey Revenue and Parcel Statistics More than 500 million parcels delivered per year > € 3 billion net turnover in 2007 Operations 19,000 employees (1) More than 750 depots & agencies More than 50 hubs More than 32,000 vehicles Major customers are Adidas, France Télécom, Metro, Orange, Esprit, EMI, Intersport, Louis Vuitton, Tech Data … In the premium segment, GeoPost is one of the three leading Express Parcel firms in Europe, with a broad European presence and leading positions in key markets GeoPost European market position
9 Repartition of Advertising expenses according medias in France in 2005 in %
10 Unaddressed mail Key figures on the French Market Repartition of DM expenses
11 Key figures on the French Market DM : a growing market
13 METHODOLOGY Scope This study has been conducted on a population of 2448 persons aged over 15 Timetable During the last Quarter of 2005 Consumer expectations
14 The French Market : 3 key facts to be taken into account -The recent integration in DM campaigns of the e- mailing and sms -Big cuts in advertising investments within the « big » medias since The rising of new « anti-ad » opinion movements Consumer expectations
15 Two key results -Although a general trend of « anti-ad » has emerged, Direct Mail remains always a recognized and appreciated communication tool 43% of the French reject « traditional » advertising, opposed to only 4 % for Direct Mail -The development of new media (Internet…) has not weakened the affective link of the French with physical mail Consumer expectations
16 Powerful 99% of the French receive Direct Mail Direct Mail is :
17 Appreciated 93 % read it or look at it …Although 95% of the French do not like to receive phone calls at home for advertising purposes Direct Mail is :
18 87% …appreciate to have a look at it whenever they want Direct Mail is highly appreciated :
19 69 % Of the recipients keep their Direct Mail 74 % for people aged less than 35 ! Direct Mail is kept :
20 Over 85% of the recipients read carefully their mail when it is linked to their daily lives Over 70% when it has been sent by a company they know Over 75% like to receive mail regarding local life People like DM :
21 Personalised 64 % of the French declare that Direct Mail is the media that allows them to feel more personally concerned Direct Mail is
22 Incentiving The media that stimulates people to: - Answer and ask for more information (32%* - 2d media 12%) - Purchase (35%* - 2d media 19%) - Go to a shop (31% 2d media 19%) Direct Mail is
23 Complementary with the other medias A communication support that increases the impact of advertising on other medias (46% TV, 45% Press, 41% Posters) Direct Mail is
24 …very efficient ! 70 % go to a shop after receiving a Direct Mail piece 60 % declare having bought a product after having received a Direct Mail piece 83 % declare having used discount coupons included in the mail Direct Mail is
25 The consumer : - receives too much useless and outdated information - expects personalised and attractive offers Opportunities and market trends
26 The companies (our customers) : - want to reach their customers with the right offer at the right time - want to grow their business - want to add a personnal touch to their communication - are looking for a partner who can deliver a comprehensive solution to their problem - want to understand the cost of a campaign - want to know their ROI Opportunities and market trends