Blood Vessels Artery arteriole capillary venule vein heart artery ►
Pulmonary vs systemic circuitry
Blood Pressure- force of blood pushing against vessels ► Systolic (top #)-force of ventricle contraction ► Diastolic (bottom #)- heart relaxed, shows resistance of vessels ► Factors affecting BP: Cardiac output Nerves & hormones Diameter of vessels Blood viscosity/volume Age, weight, lifestyle, genetics
Heart Disease leading cause of death in the US for both sexes ► Coronary artery disease- blockages in vessels feeding the heart cut off oxygen supply ► Death of heart cells=heart attack(myocardial infarction), death of brain cells = stroke ► Thrombus=blood clot, embolus=traveling blood clot- may lodge in smaller arteries ► Arteriosclerosis- Build up of plaque in arteries Plaque may consist of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin Atherosclerosis-in larger arteries ► LDL=low density lipoproteins- promote arteriosclerosis ► HDL=high density lipoproteins- lessen arteriosclerosis
Blood-Composition Vesicles break off From megakaryocytes Lose nucleus Short-lived Natural killer cells
Hematopoiesis-in bone marrow