INCOME TO FARMERS Use of Seeds, fertiliser & pesticides lead to production of fruits & vegetables Hire & train Staff, travel to do area assessment, create supply chain and conduct promotional activities which lead to adoption of KB drip or KB pump.
HOW IS THE PROJECT DIFF.? Does not include cost of TPs & Drip. Includes marketing cost Cost of staff and travel are higher as a %age of total budget Activity Based Costing
ROI FOR DONORS Type of technologies sold Net profit by type of technology for farmer Total return every year
ROI FOR DONORS Expenses9 million TechNo.IncomeTotal Income (million) BK800Rs DK200Rs CS (<1 acre)4000Rs CS (>1 acre)3000Rs ROI1:6.22
ROI FOR DONORS Expenses27 million Y1Y2Y3TOTAL ROI1:11.5
SUPPLY CHAIN ALSO MAKES MONEY Turnover (million) MarginsTotal Amount (million) Supply Chain 5530%16 ROI1:12
SO DO THE AGRI-INPUT SUPPLIERS Area Irrigated (Acres) Turnover (million) MarginsTotal Amount (million) %17 ROI1:13
MARKET YOUR PROPOSAL 1:13 is a good bet