Leadership under stress Gerry Larsson
Themes General leaderhsip models Leadership under stress Trust, swift trust and temporary groups Decision making
Higher organisational level Intermediate organisational level Lower organisational level Ideas/mental models of Role model Link Trust Commitment to WHAT Participation Image-oriented influence Action-oriented influence WHAT to do Lack of trust Redefinition of WHAT Obedience necessary Filter HOW to do it
Before Individual resources personality training & knowledge previous experience personal networks Organizational resources operational procedures & routines staff’s competence level organizational climate Material resources communication equipment tents helicopters
Trust-Building Everyday Leadership Visibility Respectful treatment of individuals Open climate – freedom to speak one’s mind Values, morals and sincerity Competence
Decision Making Problems Ambigious data Lack of time Risks involved Intuitive decision making Loneliness
Leadership Problems Different views and expectations Internal conflicts Responsibility and worries about the safety of subordinates Stress reactions among subordinates Subordinates who do not want, or can not, act Selective filtering of information by subordinate commanders
Staff Field Situation awareness 1 Situation awareness 2 Situation awareness 3 Situation awareness 1 Situation awareness 2 Situation awareness 3 Initial phase What-is-this- phase Take-control- phase
COMMANDER’S INTENT ORGANISATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS SUBORDINATES’ APPRAISAL OR SENSEMAKING SUBORDINATES’ DECISION MAKING AND ACTIONS Content End-states and/or Means General or Specific Mode of communication Direct (by-passing intermediaries) Indirect through chain of command Indirect through tele communication of: Situational characteristics Organisational characteristics The commander’s intent (content and mode of communication) Good balance between formal principles and informal initiatives Lack of balance between formal principles and informal initiatives Good balance between formal principles and informal practices; high competence and trust Lack of balance between formal principles and informal practices; low competence and lack of trust SITUATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Predictable Enough time Unambigous Unpredictable Lack of time Ambigous
Trust in Professional Relationships Calculation-based Knowledge-based Identification-based
Individual–Related Characteristics Personal characteristics Experience and competence Relationship–related characteristics Communication Leadership
Temporary Groups and Swift Trust Participants with diverse skills are assembled by a contractor to enact expertise they already possess Participants have limited or no history of working together Participants have limited prospects of working together again in the future Tasks are often complex and involve interdependent work Continuous interrelating is required to produce an outcome Assigned tasks have a deadline and are consequential
Contributing Factors The Leader’s Image Host - guest relationship The authority of knowledge prevails Creative shaping of a mixture of ● established praxis ● own praxis
Leadership Issues Clear communication of Commander’s main intent Clear briefing of subordinates commanders Not “Can you…” but “Do!” Clear orders but in a way signaling consideration No by-passing of any level Repetition Risk - same word may have different meanings
Rational Decision Making Assessment of the situation Overview of goals Overview of action alternatives Evaluation of action alternatives Preparing implementation Formal decision
Recognition-Primed Decision Making Recognition of the situation Consecutive evaluation of action alternatives Mental simulation
High stress Exaggerated striving for agreement Groupthink symptoms Suboptimal decision making
SNDC Groupthink symptoms Type I. Overestimation of the group 1.Illusion of invulnerability 2.Faith in the moral good of the group Type II. Narrow mindedness 1.Collective rationalizations 2.Stereotype views on others Type III. Pressure towards 1.Self cencorship 2.Group pressure towards deviants
SNDC Leadarship - Groupthink Don’t favor a certain action alternative early Encourage group members to participate actively Appoint someone as “the devils advocate” Emphasize the importance of reaching a wise decision Work systematically