Getting Started With the Internet What the internet is... Attractions, precautions, issues… Some Current Uses...
Getting Started With the Internet What the internet is... Attractions, precautions, issues… Some Current Uses...
English Teaching and Internet What the Internet is... Some Interesting Differences Some Interesting Differences Attractions and Precautions
English Teaching and Internet What the Internet is... Some Interesting Differences Some Interesting Differences Attractions and Precautions
Globalisation of Information n Time n Space n Culture n Politics n Changing Identity
Democratisation of Information n Free Speech? n A New Public Sphere? n Knowledge Production? n Virtual Communities? n Undoing Eurocentrism?
Decentralisation of Information n Authors/Publishers n Hypertext n Copyright Issues n Cost n Reliability n "Decoupling" of the Curriculum
English Teaching and Internet What the Internet is... Some Interesting Differences Some Interesting Differences Attractions and Precautions
Advantages and Disadvantages
Teacher Centred »Up-to-date on latest theories »Enormous variety of resources "Tried & True" »Access to others with shared topics »Personal & Professional Development »Self paced & Pro-active Learning »Dissolving of theory/practice split Advantages and Disadvantages
Student Centred English as dominant language of communication Exposure to varieties of English Highly social activity Greater connection with materials and language in use Increased motivation Cultural Education Advantages and Disadvantages
Costs Equipment maintenance & upgrades Control/Access Internet “addiction” “Pornography” and language issues Gimmicks vs.. Learning Advantages and Disadvantages
Getting Started With the Internet What the internet offers Attractions, precautions, issues… What you will need to connect
Putting It Together: Computers nMnMnMnMac vs. PC nTnTnTnTechnical issues nPnPnPnPrinting
Direct Modem ISDN LAN ISP Computer The NET Putting It Together: Connecting
n Modems and their speeds n Cost n Network possibilities n Multiple simultaneous shared users
Computer placement... n “Stand-alone” set-up with Internet n Small local network in classroom n Local area network in School n Computer Lab on a LAN n The Computer Classroom
Navigation Browsers Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape Communicator 4.5
Information Retrieval n Search Engines n Browsing n Databases n Books on-line n Electronic Journals n Libraries n Newspapers
Browsers: Keys to the Internet n n and other "plug-ins" n Downloading, n Downloading, copying texts, images, pages n Bookmarks n Bookmarks and Favourites n Subscriptions n History n History File and Proxies and cache n Comparisons...
n n Clients n Functions n Sending n Sending Links n Address n Address Books n Configuring n Comparisons
Critical Literacy and the WWW n Point n Point of view being foregrounded of view being backgrounded n Something n Something missing? Why? n Reliability n Reliability of source? Trustworthy n Balanced n Balanced or biased view? n Is n Is Author linked with a particular group?
Some simple deconstruction questions... n What n What can be assumed about the intended audience? can be assumed about the writer? assumptions/values are signalled in the text? or whose interests are served by the text is valued in the text?
questions comments clarificationconfusion further info help!!!