SOSC 102 U.Lecture Note 1 Gender and Work (Introduction)
Bi-polar Gender System Sex vs. Gender Problems of Bi-polar Gender System –Sexism –Homophobia Sexism, Racism and Homophobia
Historical Roots of the Sexual Inequality Sexual Inequality and the Making of Capitalist Economy –Definition of Capitalist Economy –Wage Labor vs. Unpaid House Work “Women’s Work” –The rise of “office work” at the turn of the 20 th. century
“Women’s Work” Source: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Men and Women of the Corporation, Basic Books, 1993, p. 26.
Source: Charles Babbage Institute, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Burroughs Corp. Collection, cb000551; cited from Babbage Institute Typing Department, 1909
Occupations in Which the Majority of Workers are Women Unit: USD. Source: National Committee on Pay Equity, cited from Paul Rothenberg, 2003, p. 313.
Occupations with Estimated Earnings of under $ 20,000 (USD) Source: National Committee on Pay Equity, cited from Paul Rothenberg, 2003, p. 311.
Sexual Inequality at Work (the Facts) Sex Segregation Promotion –“Glass Ceiling” –The “internal labor market” Wage Lag between Men and Women
Sex Inequality at Work (Explanations) Market Force Low Incentives for Female Workers Organizational Culture
The Second Shift The decline of housewives work-family conflict How would the introduction of foreign- imported domestic maids change the sexual division of labor in societies such as Hong Kong?