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6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 2 / 20 To be tackled zProgrammers model zLab. 2 – Task 4 yActivateBoard(long int); yResetPIT(unsigned char *, unsigned char, unsigned char); yunsigned char Quit(unsigned char *, unsigned char, unsigned char); yunsigned char ReadPIT(unsigned char *, unsigned char); yWritePIT(unsigned char *, unsigned char, unsigned char); yunsigned char OppositeClocks(unsigned char *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char);
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 3 / 20 Blackfin -- Programmer’s Model z8 DATA REGISTERS (R0 -- R7) y32 bit -- accessible as 8, 16, 32 bits yAccess very similar to 68K – 16 bits in each register R0.H and R0.L y1.15 Format (signed fractional – integer with floating point features) – also 2’s complement z6 ADDRESS REGISTERS(P0 – P5) y32 bit in size although address bus size is smaller z1 FRAME POINTER(FP (P6?)) z1 STACK POINTER(SP (P7?)) z16 DSP DAG REGISTERS(I0-3, B0-3, L0-3, M0-3) z2 HIGH PRECISION MATHEMATICAL ACCUMULATORS (ACC0 – ACC1) z1 PROGRAM COUNTERPC
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 4 / 20 Lab. 2 – main.c #define BASE1 (unsigned char *) 0x20000 #define QUITMASK 0x1 #define CLOCK1MASK 0x2 #define CLOCK2MASK 0x4 long int main(void) { unsigned char temp; ActivateBoard(REALBOARD); ResetPIT(BASE2, 0xFF, 0x00); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)) { if (OppositClocks(BASE2, PORTB, CLOCK1MASK, CLOCK2MASK) { temp = ReadPIT(BASE2, PORTB); WritePIT(BASE2, PORTA, temp); } }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 5 / 20 void ResetPIT( uchar*, uchar, uchar);.section instruction_rom.EXPORT _ResetPIT INPAR_PBDDR SET 12 INPAR_PADDR SET 8 INPAR_pt SET 4 ; R.A. SET 0 _ResetPIT: MOVE.L INPAR_pt(SP), A0 MOVE.B #0x00, PGCR(A0) MOVE.B #0x80, PACR(A0) MOVE.B #0x80, PBCR(A0) MOVE.L INPAR_PADDR(SP), D1 MOVE.B D1, PADDR(A0) MOVE.L INPAR_PBDDR(SP), D1 MOVE.B D1, PBDDR(A0) RTS #include “pitnames.h” void ResetPIT( unsigned char* pt, unsigned char PADDRvalue. unsigned PBDDRvalue) { 0x00 -> PGCR 0x80 -> PACR 0x80 -> PBCR INPAR2 -> PADDR INPAR3 -> PBDDR }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 6 / 20 void ResetPIT( uchar*, uchar, uchar);.section instruction_rom.EXPORT _ResetPIT INPAR_PBDDR SET 12 INPAR_PADDR SET 8 INPAR_pt SET 4 ; R.A. SET 0 _ResetPIT: MOVE.L INPAR_pt(SP), A0 MOVE.B #0x00, PGCR(A0) MOVE.B #0x80, PACR(A0) MOVE.B #0x80, PBCR(A0) MOVE.L INPAR_PADDR(SP), D1 MOVE.B D1, PADDR(A0) MOVE.L INPAR_PBDDR(SP), D1 MOVE.B D1, PBDDR(A0) RTS.section program;.GLOBAL _ResetPIT; // INPAR_PBDDR is R2 // INPAR_PADDR is R1 // INPAR_pt is R0 // R.A. Is RETS _ResetPIT: P0 = R0; R0 = 0; // or R0.L = 0 (Z); B[P0 + PGCR] = R0; R0 = 0x80; B[P0 + PACR] = R0; B[P0 + PBCR] = R0; B[P0 + PADDR] = R1; B[P0 + PBDDR] = R2; RTS;
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 7 / 20 Lab. 2 – main.c #define BASE1 (unsigned char *) 0x20000 #define QUITMASK 0x1 #define CLOCK1MASK 0x2 #define CLOCK2MASK 0x4 long int main(void) { unsigned char temp; ActivateBoard(REALBOARD); ResetPIT(BASE2, 0xFF, 0x00); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)) { if (OppositClocks(BASE2, PORTB, CLOCK1MASK, CLOCK2MASK) { temp = ReadPIT(BASE2, PORTB); WritePIT(BASE2, PORTA, temp); } }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 8 / 20 Quit(uchar *, uchar, uchar) unsigned char Quit(unsigned char * base, unsigned char whichport, unsigned char mask) { unsigned char temp; temp = mask & ReadPIT(base, whichport); if (temp = = 0) return 1; else return 0; } 3 INPARS – relative to FP -- frame pointer 2 OUTPARS – relative to SP – stack pointer
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 9 / 20 New instruction 68K using A6 as frame pointer LINK A6, #-FRAMESIZE --SP make space on the stack A6 pushed onto stack at M[SP] SP A6 SP = SP – FRAMESIZE INVERSE – UNLINK A6 BLACKFIN Dedicated FP LINK FRAMESIZE --SP make space on the stack RETS pushed onto stack at M[SP] --SP make space on the stack FP pushed onto stack at M[SP] SP -> FP SP = SP – FRAMESIZE INVERSE -- UNLINK
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 10 / 20 Stack Frames 68K ; INPAR4 SET 20 INPAR3 SET 16 INPAR2 SET 12 INPAR1 SET 8 ; RA SET 4 SAVEFP SET 0 Various saved registers and variables ; OUTPAR4 SET 12 ; OUTPAR3 SET 8 OUTPAR2 SET 4 OUTPAR1 SET 0 BLACKFIN #define INPAR4 20 Required #define INPAR3 16 Required but in R2 #define INPAR2 12 Required but in R1 #define INPAR1 8 Required but in R0 #define SAVEDRETS 4 #define SAVEFP 0 Various saved registers and variables #define OUTPAR4 20 Required #define OUTPAR3 16 Required but in R2 #define OUTPAR2 12 Required but in R1 #define OUTPAR1 8 Required but in R0
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 11 / 20 void Quit(uchar *, uchar, uchar).section instruction_rom.EXPORT _Quit INPAR_mask SET 16 INPAR_port SET 12 INPAR_pt SET 8 ; R.A. SET 4 – relative to FP OUTPAR_port SET 4 OUTPAR_pt SET 0 – relative to SP _QUIT: LINK A6, #-8 – room for 2 outpars MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT MOVE.B #0, D1 AND.B INPAR_mask(FP), D0 ONE LINE MISSING – WHAT? BNE DONE MOVE.B #1, D1 DONE: MOVE.B D1, D0 RTS unsigned char Quit(unsigned char * base, unsigned char whichport, unsigned char mask) { unsigned char temp; temp = mask & ReadPIT(base, whichport); if (temp = = 0) return 1; else return 0; }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 12 / 20 void Quit(uchar *, uchar, uchar).section instruction_rom.EXPORT _Quit INPAR_mask SET INPAR_port SET 12 INPAR_pt SET 8 ; R.A. SET 4 – relative to FP OUTPAR_port SET 4 OUTPAR_pt SET 0 – relative to SP _QUIT: LINK A6, #-8 – room for 2 outpars MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT MOVE.B #0, D1 AND.B INPAR_mask(FP), D0 BNE DONE MOVE.B #1, D1 DONE: MOVE.B D1, D0 MISSING????? RTS.section program;.GLOBAL _Quit #define INPAR4 20 #define INPAR_mask 16 #define INPAR_port 12 #define INPAR_pt 8 ; R.A. – relative to FP #define OUTPAR_port 4 #define OUTPAR_pt 0 – relative to SP _QUIT: LINK 16; – room for 4 outpars // Don’t need INPARs again // INPAR_pt is R0 is OUTPAR_pt // INPAR_port is R1 is OUTPAR_port Call _ReadPIT R1 = R0 & R3; R0 = 0; CC = R1 == 0; IF !CC JUMP DONE; R0 = 1; MISSING 1 KEY LINE! DONE: RTS;
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 13 / 20 Lab. 2 – main.c #define BASE1 (unsigned char *) 0x20000 #define QUITMASK 0x1 #define CLOCK1MASK 0x2 #define CLOCK2MASK 0x4 long int main(void) { unsigned char temp; ActivateBoard(REALBOARD); ResetPIT(BASE2, 0xFF, 0x00); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)) { if (OppositClocks(BASE2, PORTB, CLOCK1MASK, CLOCK2MASK) { temp = ReadPIT(BASE2, PORTB); WritePIT(BASE2, PORTA, temp); } }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 14 / 20 Pop Quiz – ReadPIT(uchar *, uchar);.section instruction_rom.EXPORT _ReadPIT INPAR_port set 12 INPAR_pt set 8 _ReadPIT: LINK A6 #0 MOVE.L INPAR_pt(FP), A0 MOVE.L INPAR_pt(FP), D0 NOW COMPLETE.section.______ _ReadPIT _____ INPAR_port 12 (in R1) _____ INPAR_pt set 8 (in R2) _ReadPIT: LINK 0 NOW COMPLETE
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 15 / 20 Pop Quiz – WritePIT(uchar *, uchar, uchar);.section instruction_rom.EXPORT _WritePIT NOW COMPLETE
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 16 / 20 Lab. 2 – main.c #define BASE1 (unsigned char *) 0x20000 #define QUITMASK 0x1 #define CLOCK1MASK 0x2 #define CLOCK2MASK 0x4 long int main(void) { unsigned char temp; ActivateBoard(REALBOARD); ResetPIT(BASE2, 0xFF, 0x00); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)); while (Quit(BASE2, PORTB, QUITMASK)) { if (OppositClocks(BASE2, PORTB, CLOCK1MASK, CLOCK2MASK) { temp = ReadPIT(BASE2, PORTB); WritePIT(BASE2, PORTA, temp); } }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 17 / 20 void Opposite(uchar *, uchar, uchar, uchar).section instruction_rom.EXPORT _Opposite INPAR_mask2 SET 20 INPAR_mask1 SET 16 INPAR_port SET 12 INPAR_pt SET 8 ; R.A. SET 4 – relative to FP SAVED2 SET 8 OUTPAR_port SET 4 OUTPAR_pt SET 0 – relative to SP _Opposite: LINK A6, #-12 – room for 2 outpars + 1 reg MOVE.L D2, SAVED2(SP) MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT unsigned char Opposite( unsigned char * base, unsigned char whichport, unsigned char mask1, unsigned char mask2) { unsigned char temp; unsigned char value = 0; temp = mask & ReadPIT(base, whichport); if (!(temp & mask1) && (temp & mask2) ) value =1; if ((temp & mask1) && !(temp & mask2) ) value =1; return value; }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 18 / 20 void Opposite(uchar *, uchar, uchar, uchar) MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT MOVE.B D0, D1; copies MOVE.B D0, D2 AND.B INPAR_mask1(FP), D1 ERROR.L AND.B INPAR_mask2(FP), D2 ERROR.L MOVE.B #0, D0 BETTER CMP.B #0, D1 BNE is_high CMP.B #0, D2 BEQ DONE ; BOTH LOW return 0 MOVE.B #1, D0 ; else return 1 BRA DONE Is_high: CMP.B #0, D2 BNE DONE; BOTH HIGH return 0 MOVE.B #1, D0 DONE:MOVE.L SAVED2(SP), D2 UNLINK A6 RTS unsigned char Opposite( unsigned char * base, unsigned char whichport, unsigned char mask1, unsigned char mask2) { unsigned char temp; unsigned char value = 0; temp = mask & ReadPIT(base, whichport); if (!(temp & mask1) && (temp & mask2) ) value =1; if ((temp & mask1) && !(temp & mask2) ) value =1; return value; }
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 19 / 20 void Opposite(uchar *, uchar, uchar, uchar).section instruction_rom BLACKFIN CODE.EXPORT _Opposite INPAR_mask2 SET 20 INPAR_mask1 SET 16 INPAR_port SET 12 INPAR_pt SET 8 ; R.A. SET 4 – relative to FP SAVED2 SET 8 OUTPAR_port SET 4 OUTPAR_pt SET 0 – relative to SP _Opposite: LINK A6, #-12 – room for 2 outpars + 1 reg MOVE.L D2, SAVED2(SP) MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT
6/1/2015 Comparing Blackfin and 68K Copyright M. Smith 20 / 20 void Opposite(uchar *, uchar, uchar, uchar) MOVE INPAR_pt(FP), OUTPAR_pt(SP) MOVE INPAR_port(FP), OUTPAR_port(SP) JSR _ReadPIT MOVE.B D0, D1; copies MOVE.B D0, D2 MOVE.L INPAR_mask1(FP), D0 AND.B D0, D1 MOVE.L INPAR_mask2(FP), D0 AND.B D0, D2 CORRECTED MOVE.B #0, D0 CMP.B #0, D1 BNE is_high CMP.B #0, D2 BEQ DONE ; BOTH LOW return 0 MOVE.B #1, D0 ; else return 1 BRA DONE Is_high: CMP.B #0, D2 BNE DONE; BOTH HIGH return 0 MOVE.B #1, D0 DONE:MOVE.L SAVED2(SP), D2 UNLINK A6 RTS CONVERT TO BLACKFIN