University-Business Relations in the United States Characteristics, Interactions, and Outcomes
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Relations are well organized. Continuity of presence. Strategic approach to the campus. Alumni assistance. Distinguish between recruiting and university relations. Universities as partners and suppliers. Invest in the relationship. Solid recruiting and research practices. Build commitment into the relationship.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Relations are well organized. Companies have a clear contact point, usually a campus manager, and an experienced team; they are knowledgeable about the institution, have developed programs with shared objectives, have an executive assigned, and seek out campus interaction.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Continuity of presence. Relationships are strongest where corporate representatives to universities have been in their positions longest and where their companies have a continuing presence on campus. Companies have active team members who come to campus regularly, speak in classes, serve on advisory boards, fund relevant programs, and look for other opportunities to interact with the university.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Strategic approach to the campus. Since universities have multiple entry points, coordination can be a problem. Yet the best and most productive partnerships begin with an active recruiting program that involves colleges and units across the campus.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Alumni assistance. Many strong relationships revolve around active, highly placed alumni. However, other relationships need to develop around this core for companies to achieve long-term viability and presence. So... Alumni assistance is necessary but not sufficient.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Distinguish between recruiting and university relations. Companies come to campus most often for recruiting purposes, followed by research activities. But many companies delegate institutional relationships to recruiting personnel, who are often in junior positions where the turnover is high. Effective companies keep the same executives assigned to university relations to ensure continuity.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Universities as partners and suppliers. In effective relationships, companies value universities for the expertise they supply, and they cultivate the people who supply it as much as they do their other key suppliers, of materials, components and services. They think of universities as partners. They craft joint agendas, are open in their communication, and are involved in research affiliate and partner programs.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Invest in the relationship. Companies make meaningful and targeted gifts as part of a strong university relations-building program. Some companies make annual grants, fund scholarships, make periodic major gifts, provide new equipment and software, and support the upgrading or construction of laboratories and facilities.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Solid recruiting and research practices. In effective relationships, companies maintain an active dialogue with career services staff, use young alumni as part of the team. They get to know students through internship and co-op programs, make an effort to know faculty, and work toward mutually valuable research practices.
Characteristics of Effective Relationships Build commitment into the relationship. In effective relationships, companies have teams who are committed to the university, beginning with a senior manager who makes and keeps commitments. They show their support and interest many ways, always assuring there is mutual benefit and satisfaction.
University-Business Interactions Research support Endowment/trust funds Cooperative Research Institutional agreements Group arrangements Institutional facilities Informal interactions
University-Business Interactions Knowledge Transfer Hiring of recent graduates Personal interactions Institutional programs Cooperative education Technology Transfer Product development and commercialization activities
University-Business Relationship Outcomes Research papers published Masters theses and doctoral dissertations Product-related outcomes Patent applications Patents Licenses Non-patented, non-licensed products and processes
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