Genetics Continued
Mutations Two Types –Changes in a single gene-gene mutation Point mutation Frameshift mutation –Mutation that causes changes in whole chromosomes- chromosomal mutations Deletion Duplication Inversion Translocation
Gene Regulation Operons- group of genes that operate together Operator -a region to which a repressor can bind,preventing transcription of the genes Biology corner Site
Development and Differentiation Once an egg is formed there are only a few divisions then the cells will start to become specialized (hence the importance of stem cells) this process is called -differentiation these are controlled by a series of cells called the hox genes. –hox genes tell the body how the cells should differentiate as the body grows. Mouse gene in knee of fruit fly the fly grew a eye on its leg –If a mutation in one of these master control genes can completely change the organs that developchange
Selective breeding Breeding traits that you want to keep –Hybridization Crossing dissimilar individual –Inbreeding Breeding back into the same population.. –What problems might there be
Increasing Variation Bacteria –radiation Plant –Ex. Polyploidy
Manipulating DNA Genetic engineering –DNA extraction –Cutting DNA –Separating DNA –HomeworkHomework
Using the DNA sequence Reading the sequence Cutting and pasting Making copies
Cell Transformation Transforming Bacteria –Plasmid –Genetic marker Transforming Plant and Animal cells
Application of Genetic Engineering Transgenic Organisms Cloning
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