Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Open Access to Scientific Information Public Library of Science, et. al by Dr. Esther R. Dyer Executive Director American-Italian Cancer Foundation New York, NY
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Bielefeld 2002 Conference High Quality Information for All And What It Costs
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer If you have an apple and I have an apple and if we exchange these apples then you and I will still have an apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, ….George Bernard Shaw
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer The worldwide web and electronic journals are deconstructing the traditional serials landscape, changing the role of libraries, scholars, indexers and more.
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Physics ePrint Archives Average Daily Usage
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Open Archives Goals Develops and promotes interoperability standards Facilitate the efficient dissemination of content Enhance access to e-print archives Increasing the availability of scholarly communication
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Open Archives Long-term trends towards primary information being openly accessible Discipline variation – central archives vs. distributed web sites OAI can used across distributed systems independent of content and economic mechanisms
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Source Ulrichs
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Declining costs of access to information is a crucial factor in the progress of humanity. Now feasible to provide and properly organize a freely available scientific knowledge. Scientists’ responsibility to work toward this goal. It can only be achieved by changing attitudes toward scientific publishing. One More Revolution… Free Scientific Publishing R. Krzysztof, Association for Computing Machinery, May 2001
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer The Journal Wars Purdue University SPARC
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Between 1986 and 2000 Average Cost of Subscriptions increased 226% Number Bought by Libraries Decreased 6%
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
SPARC Publisher-Partnerships Goals Create competitive scholarly communication marketplace Reduce cost of journal acquisition, production and distribution Reward responsive publishers Ensure fair use of electronic resources Strengthen proprietary rights and privileges of authorship Use technology to improve scholarly communication
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Premise: Nonprofit journals are more cost effective than commercial ventures
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Alternative Journals
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer SPARC Titles are Less Expensive
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Digital archive of life sciences journal literature Developed and managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)/NLM PubMed Central aims to fill the role of a world class library in the digital age. Access to PubMed Central is free and unrestricted.
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
BioMed Central Traffic (November 2001) 1 million impressions per month 4000 individual users daily 50,000 registered users 10 research papers submitted daily users originate from 55,000 distinct IP addresses per month
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer BIOMED CENTRAL TOP 10 SOURCE COUNTRIES
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Articles published on BioMed Central are: Available free without barriers to access of any kind Supported by advertising, sponsorship, author charges Subject to full, high-quality peer review Published rapidly, average 35 days Permanently available online in full text through PubMedCentral, indexed by PubMed
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Online Journals & Peer Review Finding and managing reviewers is a major challenge A recent task force on peer review noted that :to maintain benefits of current system, any new replacements will be at least as expensive in terms of money or referee resources Money may have to come from government funding unless institutions can redirect library savings
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Let the Archives Go!
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Open Letter Top 10 Source Countries Country Signatures United States3142 France2485 Spain1405 Brazil1374 United Kingdom1001 Germany 969 Italy 878 Belgium 732 Portugal 623 Argentina 612
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Non-profit organization of scientists Committed to making scientific and medical literature Freely accessible to scientists and to the public around the world For the benefit of scientific progress, education and the public good
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
A Guide to Creating Community-controlled Science Journals DECLARING INDEPENDENCE A Guide to Creating Community-controlled Science Journals DECLARING INDEPENDENCE Public Library of Science
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Total Accesses:31,953,979 Searches Performed:7,979,862 Articles Viewed:6,677,748 Articles Printed:4,110,051 Pages Viewed:12,177,930 Total Issues Available:53,264 Total full-length articles available:611,478 Total articles:1,302,910 Total pages currently available:7,809,852 Number of participating institutions:1,130 Number of participating journals:273 Number of journals available online:169 Number of participating publishers:148 JSTOR FACTS
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Major Medical Publishers make Journals Available Freely Developing Countries via Internet Blackwell Science Elsevier Science Harcourt Worldwide Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Springer Verlag Wolters Kluwer
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Project of the Human Info NGOHuman Info NGO More than 100 partners Provides universal free or low-cost information access Cooperates with UN Agencies, Universities and NGOs
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Essential Information readily available Solve local development problems Equivalent of 16 full university degrees in 1 “library” Create ready-to-upload libraries for servers in developing countries
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
Dedicated to facilitating scholar-led innovations in scholarly communication Supporting experiments in alternative production and dissemination of scholarship Program commitment University of California University of California Hosted
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Open Access to Information Scientists and Scholars Authors Libraries and Nonprofit Alliances Readers Electronic Journals Online Access
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Open Access Options for Cost Recovery Charge for rejection Author Charges Institutional support for authors Self-archiving windfall savings – yields library subvention Government Support Advertisements
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Economic and organizational barriers to entry in digital publishing Creation of innovative alternatives Increased volume and escalating costs Adequate signals of quality within burgeoning literatures Efficient dissemination among peers Opportunities for review and protection of intellectual property Enduring availability for the future Change in Scholarly Communication
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer
World Wide Web World Wide Wisdom
Bielefeld 2002, Dr. Esther R. Dyer Bielefeld 2002 Conference High Quality Information for All And What It Costs