Wound Healing Activity of Jasminum grandiflorum Linn. M Syam Mohan*, J A J Sunilson, Y Hussein, J Thomas, T R Sekharan * Presentation By: Y Hussein Masterskill College of Nursing and Health Malaysia
Introduction Wound may be defined as loss or breaking of cellular and anatomic or functional continuity of living tissue. In the traditional system of medicine, the leaves of Jasminum grandiflorum, which belongs to the family oleaceae are used in the form of decoction against dermatitis and inflammation in gums.
Objective In the view of these, I have designed this present work to study the possible effects of different extracts of the leaves of Jasminum grandiflorum on wound healing, also knows as Jasmin plant in Malaysia A literature survey revealed that the plant leaves has not been scientifically investigated for its wound healing activity.
The plant Jasminum grandiflorum
Materials Collection: Trivandrum, Kerala, India in the year Study conducted at: S B. College of Pharmacy, Tamil Nadu, India and repeated by a student in Masterskill College
Method of study Air dried leaves around 500 gm were reduced to coarse powder. The leaves extracts were prepared in Pet ether Chloroform Ethanol Water Apparatus used : Soxhlet apparatus Base used : Simple oitment B.P Animal Model : Excision model externally.
Qualitative Chemical Examination Sl no Plant constituentsExtracts Pet etherChloroformEthanolAqueous 1Alkaloids-+++ 2Glycosides---+ 3Carbohydrates--++ 4Steroids--+- 5Tannins--+- 6Saponins--++ 7Flavanoids--++ 8Gums and mucilage--++ 9Fixed oil & Fat Proteins Volatile oils---- ‘+’ Present ‘-’ Absent
Thin layer chromatography – profile The extracts were subjected to TLC. Stationary phase: Silica gel-G Saturation Time : 0.5 hr Mobile phase : Benzene : Chloroform : Methanol 3 : 1 : 1 Spraying reagent : Dragendroff’s regent
Pharmacological screening Animal used : Wistar Albino Rats Groups : Total Six groups Animal per group: Six
Excision wound model Animals After infliction of wound
Effects of various extract
Animal after healing of wound
Discussion and conclusion The results revealed that all extract showed a significant wound contracting ability. The pharmacological study substantiate the use of plant extract as a wound healing agent. This plant shows the activity owing to the presence of alkaloids, steroids and tannins. So necessary steps to be taken in future to identify the active principles, study the toxicity and other pharmacological property
Acknowledgement S. B College of Pharmacy, India. Masterskill college of nursing and health, Malaysia.