APAFT (Australian Public Affairs Full Text) Demonstration.


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Presentation transcript:

APAFT (Australian Public Affairs Full Text) Demonstration

Australian Public Affairs - Full Text 1995 to present Australian Public Affairs - Full Text (APA-FT), is an indexing and full text database that provides Internet access to the scanned images of journal articles from published material on the social sciences and humanities. Australian Public Affairs - Full Text is based on the journal indexing of the database Australian Public Affairs Information Service (APAIS), which is produced by the National Library of Australia and published by RMIT Publishing. Of the 270,000+ records indexed from 2,000+ journals in APAIS, approximately half are derived from 223+ comprehensively indexed journals. The scanned images of journal articles in Australian Public Affairs - Full Text are sourced from these comprehensively indexed journals. Images are provided in PDF format.

Combining Terms with Boolean Operators The following Boolean operators are used frequently to combine multiple search terms into a single, more focused search request. AND retrieves records with both search terms. Eg. dyslexia and child retrieves records with both dyslexia and child. NOT retrieves records with first of two search terms, but not the second. Eg. truman not capote retrieves records with Truman, excluding Capote. NOTE:Use the NOT operator carefully as it can eliminate useful records. Eg. dog not puppy misses records that contain both dog and puppy. OR retrieves records with either or both search terms. Eg. dyslexia or learning disabilities retrieves records with either dyslexia, learning disabilities, or both.

The following operators can also be used when searching APAFT. ADJ retrieves records with search terms next to each other in a specified order. Eg. dyslexia adj treatments retrieves records in which the term dyslexia immediately precedes the term treatments. NEAR retrieves records with both search terms in the same sentence. Eg. dyslexia near treatment retrieves records where dyslexia and treatment appear in the same sentence (in any order). NOTE:Add a number to near to specify exactly how close the terms must be. For example, language near2 computer retrieves records with language within two words of computer (in any order). WITH retrieves records with both search terms in the same field. Eg. dyslexia with research retrieves records with both dyslexia and research in a single field.

In APAFT, you can print, save or your search results.

Using Truncation and Wildcards in Searches Use truncation and wildcards to retrieve variations of your search term. The truncation symbol * substitutes for a string of zero or more characters. Eg. cat* retrieves catatonic, catatonia, category, etc. The wildcard symbol ? substitutes for one character or none. Eg. m?cdonald retrieves both mcdonald and macdonald. NOTE:You can use truncation or wildcards anywhere in your search term, except as the first character.