ATLAS and Swedish activities Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund 12.4.2002.


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS and Swedish activities Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Schedule, general plans  LHC machine start-up spring 2007 (finances, accelerator issues). LHC related overcost 850 MCHF (LHC machine and experimental areas 475 MCHF, LHC machine prototyping (spent) 143 MCHF, CERN part of LHC experiments 50 MCHF, computing 120 MCHF, shortfall of expected income 40 MCHF).  ATLAS: The revised construction completion costs for the initial detector configuration in 2001 MCHF:  Net over costs in Common Projects29.7 Magnet system19.6 Infrastructure and shielding7.8 LAr cryostats and cryogenics2.3  Additional detector hardware items 6.1  Non-covered detector hardware funding4.4  Additional non-detector hardware items11.8  Total52.0  Pre-exploitation : 46 MCHF  Total overcosts hence 98 MCHF.  ATLAS RRB has asked for scenarios for that the funding agencies provide 95 – 75 – 55 MCHF by 2007  Different deferral scenarios.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Staged Initial Detector  The initial staged detector: reduced redundancy.  The main staged components are One Pixel layer in the ID Outermost TRT end-cap wheels (C-type) Part of the LAr ROD system Tile gap scintillators EES and EEL MDTs Half of the layers of the CSCs Part of the Common Project processors Part of the high luminosity shielding Some further parts of the outermost MDT chambers staged in case the initial installation is insufficient  Physics impact example: the discovery potential for the Higgs signal in several final states will be degraded by about 10% (meaning that 20% more integrated luminosity is required to compensate)  b-jet tagging performance deteriorated by 30%

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Deferral Scenarios  95 MCHF available  Initial staged detector  75(55) MCHF available  further deferrals  First scenario (75 MCHF) is to 1) implement the initial staged detector (and giving up the small contingency this generated) 2)benefit from net reductions of construction completion costs to the Collaboration for some items 3)implement some further system-internal staging and cuts and benefit from apparent over-cost reductions because communities have found system-internal arrangements to cover them 4)implement reductions of pre-operation costs in 2002  This detector would still be expected to perform at the level of the initial staged detector, with higher risks.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Deferral scenarios  The second scenario (55 MCHF) is to implement 1) very strong additional deferrals for the scalable HLT and DAQ components: MCHF 2) additional severe system-specific staging and cuts would have to be imposed 3) additional hard cuts in the M&O and C&I budgets would have to be imposed  The HLT/DAQ staging would clearly jeopardize to a very large extent the B-physics and would also cut into the high-pT physics potential

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) – Uppsala University  The Uppsala group has two main commitments to the ATLAS SCT project:  to lead the SCT Detector Control System (DCS) subproject and  to produce and test, together with the Oslo and Bergen ATLAS groups, 460 SCT Detector Modules Module prod. DCS design productionpre-prod.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The detector module from R. Brenner silicon sensor electronics hybrid TPG baseboard ABCD ASIC

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Module bonding and metrology in Uppsala from R. Brenner  The Uppsala group is fully ready to start serial production of detector modules  Pre-production April-June 2002  Production July 2002-Jan 2004  Mechanical work involves Hybrid assembly Wire bonding Thermal cycling Metrology

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Detector Control System from R. Brenner  The Uppsala group coordinates all the DCS of the SCT  The core for the final DCS system has been developed for Inner Detector Phase II cooling tests.  Schedule:  10% available early 2003  50% available end 2003  100% available 2005

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) – Lund University  The Lund ATLAS group is responsible for the following items in the TRT:  The electric endplates to the barrel TRT, so-called tension plates;  The digital integrated circuits for the read-out electronics, DTMROC (about chips);  Front-End electronics cards (FE-cards) for the barrel;  Test equipment for the DTMROC and FE-cards.  Barrel module production ongoing in USA (24/96 finished)  End-cap wheel production started at both Russian sites  Other general ATLAS activities by Lund people:  ATLAS Management – T. Åkesson  Technical Coordination – radiation shielding – V. Hedberg  B-physics working group – P. Eerola

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund TRT – LU  DTMROC is being redesigned in deep submicron technology to reduce costs. First prototype being evaluated. Present schedule: production finish Oct  FE-cards: 2-layer with kapton flex connection or 2(3) layer with connectors. Both prototypes being produced.  Tester: a joint project with LU/ALICE. PC-based system is under design. Will be replicated at NBI Tension plates DTMROC in DSM FE cards Tester designproduction pre-prod. testing

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) – KTH  The KTH group is participating in the construction of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter, sharing the responsibility for  the presampler (26 sectors),  the digital optical read-out links and  the high voltage supplies Presampler Optical RO links HV supplies designproductionpre-prod. testing delivery

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Status of ATLAS work at KTH from B. Lund-Jensen The main task is the assembly and tests of presampler sectors that must be completed by end of April In total about 26 sectors. So far one sector is completely ready. 5 more are assembled but require testing and/or repairs. Maximum assembly speed is 2 sectors per month.  Critical path!! B. Lund-Jensen, S. Levén, S. Rydström, (from end April, Y. Tayalatti (postdoc)), M. Pearce (optical links, < 10%)

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund New clean room is ready since December. Measured class 1000 at mounting table. 3 sectors assembled since beginning of February. The picture shows an assembled sector (3.1 m length) on the mounting table.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Installation of new testbench electronics.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The cryostat for cold tests is in principle ready (lid has to be modified). First cold test of a sector During the last week of April or 1 st week of May. One 500 L dewar still required for tests of more than 1 sector per month. A presampler module in preparation for assembly before high voltage tests.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS Scintillating Tile Calorimeter and First Level Calorimeter Trigger (TILE-TRIG) – Stockholm University  The research groups for Particle Physics and Instrumentation Physics at Stockholm University are sharing the responsibility for the front-end read-out electronics of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter and the First Level Calorimeter Trigger. The Stockholm groups are responsible for  the design, manufacturing and quality control of the Tile Calorimeter digitising electronics (2000 boards), including ADCs, digital pipelines, control logic and read-out,  the First Level Calorimeter Trigger.  Other general ATLAS activities by Stockholm people:  ATLAS Outreach – E. Johansson

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS TILE-TRIG – SU from S. Silverstein  TileCal: see talk by M. Ramstedt  Trigger: Main work in Stockholm:  Production of processor backplane for e/  and Jet/Energy systems  Jet identification algorithm for Jet/Energy processor module  Simulation software for Jet/Energy processor system

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The Trigger Processor Backplane from S. Silverstein - 18 Layers, 9U x 21 slots - Over connections - Over pins - For both Jet/Et and e/  - Includes interconnections, VME, TTC and CANbus services

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund The ATLAS TILE-TRIG – SU  TileCal Digitiser: Spring 2001 a pre-production of 50 final boards. Autumn 2001: PRR, second pre-production of 70 boards. May-Dec 2002 all 2000 boards delivered.  Trigger: ”Full Slice Tests” in 2002 before Production Readiness Rewiews for Jet/Energy module and for common backplane. Target for PRRs  Jet/Energy-sum Processor System available for system tests: 6/03. System tests completed: 6/04. Calorimeter trigger available: 12/ TileCal digitiser Backplane Jet/Energy-sum module design production pre-prod.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Other projects: NorduGrid and DataGrid  Generic research in Grid-systems is performed in the framework of the Nordic NorduGrid project and the CERN-EU DataGrid project.  The NorduGrid project creates a Nordic branch of the DataGrid. Project duration January November Includes all Swedish ATLAS groups.  NorduGrid testbed is a part of the DataGrid Testbed Work Package (WP6), and HEP Applications Work Package (WP8).  There are plans for a Nordic “Tier-1” Grid Centre for both HEP and other fields. Capacity about 1700 x (Dual 1 GHz Intel PIII) plus fileservers and tape robots. Financial scope 150 MSEK (16MEuro).  More: see talk by O. Smirnova.

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Other projects: Nordic LHC physics network  The particle physics network explores the physics discovery potential at the LHC. Duration  The aim is to pull together Nordic particle physicists, theorists and experimentalists, to seek new physics ideas, and to study the experimental signatures of new physics.  SE: Includes all ATLAS groups and Lund theory group.  Work proceeds now in the following working groups:  Supersymmetric and rare B-decays  Extra dimensions and radions  Gluino production  Charged and doubly charged Higgs  CP of Higgs  hh->4b final states  CP violation in top decays

Paula Eerola Partikeldagarna, Lund Network status and results  Publications 2001: 13 journal publications  Exchange students: J. Sjölin Sholm  Bergen, P. Skands Copenhagen  Lund, K. Myklevoll Bergen  Lund.  Workshops:  Preparatory workshops in Lund (March 2000) and Copenhagen (September 2000) with 54(9) and 51(9) participants.  Oslo March 2001: 55(12) participants. Training course on ”Higgs search at LEP, techniques and results”, 19 participants.  Stockholm November 2001: 46(11) participants.Training course on ”Supersymmetry”, 32 participants.  Next: Helsinki May 2002.Training course on ”Extra dimensions”.