Goodness of Fit of a Joint Model for Event Time and Nonignorable Missing Longitudinal Quality of Life Data – A Study by Sneh Gulati* *with Jean-Francois Dupuy and Mounir Mesbah
HISTORY Project is a result of the sabbatical spent at University of South Brittany In survival studies two variables of interest: terminal event and a covariate (possibly time dependent)
Dupuy and Mesbah (2002) modeled above for unobserved covariates We propose here a test statistic to validate their model Still in progress
BREAKDOWN OF TALK I) Preliminary Results II) Missing Observations III) Dupuy’s Model IV) Goodness of fit for Dupuy’s Model
Preliminaries The survival time (or duration time to some terminal event) T is often modeled by the Cox Regression Model : ( t | Z) = (t)exp{ T Z)} (t) is baseline hazard rate, Z is the vector of covariates. Survival times are censored on right – one observes X = min (T, C) and = I { T C}
Types of Covariates External – Not directly involved with the failure mechanism Internal – Generated by the individual under study – observed only as long as the individual survives
Solution to the full model Parameter vector obtained 0 by maximizing the following:
Estimate of the cumulative hazard function:
Goodness of Fit: Graphical Methods Chi-Squared Type Tests Lin’s Method of Weights
Problem – Missing Data Missing Covariates – often due to drop out
Let denote the history of the covariate upto time t: Let T be the time to some event. Then the hazard of T at time t is ((t)| )dt = lim dt →0 Pr( t < T < t + dt)| )
CLASSIFICATION OF THE DROP-OUT PROCESS Completely Random Dropout – Drop-out process is independent of both observed and non observed measurements. Random Drop-out – Drop-out process is independent of unobserved measurements, but depends on the observed measurements. Nonignorable Drop-out – Drop-out process depends on unobserved measurements.
Approaches Use only the complete observations Replace missing values with sample mean. Estimate missing values with consistent estimators so that the likelihood is maximized (IMPUTATION)
Previous Notable Work for Nonignorable Dropout Diggle and Kenward (1994) Little (1995), Hogan and Laird (1997) - Essentially one integrates out the unobserved covariates Martinussen (1999) – uses EM algorithm
Work of Dupuy and Mesbah Subjects measured at discrete time intervals Terminal Event – Disease Progression Patients can dropout and covariate can be unobserved at dropout
The Model n subjects observed at fixed times t j, t 0 = 0 <... < t j-1 < t j <... < 0 < 0 t = t j – t j-1 < 1 < Let Z = internal covariate and Z i (t) = value of Z at time t for the i th individual Z i, j denote the response for the ith subject on (t j, t j+1 ].
Hazard Rate = (t)exp( T w(t)) where w(t) = (z(t – t), z(t)) T = ( ) T or = ( ) T
Assumptions 1) The covariate vector Z is assumed to have uniformly bounded continuous density f(z, 2) The censoring time C has continuous distribution function G C (u) 3) The censoring distribution is assumed to be independent of the unobserved covariate, and of the parameters , and .
Likelihood L( ) = Let us call the above model Equation (1)
Solution Method of Sieves: Replace original parameter space of the parameters () by an approximating space n, called the sieve.
Instead of the hazard function, one considers; n,i = n (T (i) ) T (i), i = 1, 2,..., p(n), where T (1) T (2) ... T (p(n) are the order statistics corresponding to the distinct dropout times T 1 T 2 ... T p(n) Hence the approximating sieve is n = { = ( , , n ): R p, R 2, n, 1 n, 2 ... n, p(n) }.
One maximizes the psuedo-likelihood function: Ln( ) =
here L (i) ( ) =
THE MLE The MLE Obtained via the EM algorithm is identifiable and asymptotically normally distributed
Goodness-of-fit for Dupuy’s Model Issue of Model Checking Important PROBLEM – MISSING DATA Could use DOUBLE SAMPLING or IMPUTATION
SOLUTION: Validate model in Equation (1) – Marginal Model Done by Using the Weights Method of Lin (1991)
Development of the Test Statistic Using a random weight function, WG(.) define a class of weighted pseudo-likelihood functions given by WL n () = Call the above equation (2)
where WL (i) ( ) =
Define the maximizer of equation (2) as: The test statistic is a function of
Asymptotic Results For Under the model in Equation (1), the vector converges in distribution to a bivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a covariance matrix
If model in Equation (1) is correct, the weighted and the nonweighted MLE’s should be close to each other:
Under the model in Eqn (1), the vector converges in distribution to a bivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a covariance matrix D W =
Note that
Proof still in progress Proposed method: Show that score function for weighted likelihood and unweighted likelihood are asymptotically joint normal. Use counting process techniques and martingale theory.
THE TEST STATISTIC Under the model in Equation (1), the above statistic will have a chi-square distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.