Technology Integration S UMMER 2009 IISD Technology Staff Development
Why Technology Integration? What is technology integration? Technology integration is achieved when technology tools support the curricular goals, and help the students to effectively reach their goals. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. From Video 1Video 2
Engaged or Disengaged? Describe an “engaged” learner What percent of your students are “engaged” in your classroom? Video 4Video 3 Engaged Learner Disengaged Student
Why Technology Integration? Is technology being used in classrooms today? How is it being used? Is it meaningful and engaging or is the technology simply replacing traditional instruction?
How Can We Make Instruction More Engaging? Turn up the H.E.A.T.
Criteria for Determining the Quality of Technology-Integration Lessons Turn up the H.E.A.T. H igher-order thinking, E ngaged learning, A uthenticity, and effective T echnology use Chris Moersh - Using 21st-Century Skills to Increase Student Achievement
HEAT Analysis
How Can We Make Instruction More Engaging? Address 21 st Century Learning Skills
21st Century Learning Web 2.0 Resources 21 st Century Learners (videos) 21 st Century Learners (videos) 21 st Century Learning (glog) 21 st Century Learning (glog)
LoTi Review What does LoTi stand for? What is it? What does it mean? How is LoTi useful?
LoTi Review: LEVEL 2 Knowledge and Comprehension Foundational Thinking Just the Facts Research and Report Exploration
LoTi Review: LEVEL 3 Critical Thinking Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Teacher Directed Infusion
LoTi Review: LEVEL 4 Critical Thinking Student Directed Problem-based Learning Real World Application Integration
LoTi Review: LEVEL 5 Global Thinking Student Activism Issue Resolution Expansion
LoTi Levels What is the main difference between Exploration and Infusion? Example of Level 2 lesson How can you bump it up to an Infusion lesson? What is the main difference between Infusion and Integration? Example of Level 3 lesson How can you bump it up to an Integration lesson?
Introducing… Making more technology integration lessons available to IISD teachers
What is TechFusion 2.0? The concept of Web 2.0 is part of the inspiration behind TechFusion 2.0, or TF2 Web 2.0, or the read/write web, refers to using the Internet in ways that encourage collaboration and enhance creativity through shared information. In the same way, TechFusion 2.0 will provide IISD teachers with increased access to technology integration lessons as well as the opportunity to share feedback about those lessons.
All TF2 lessons will be published online in a searchable database Teachers will be able to search through TF2 lessons based on: TEKS, Strands, Blooms level, Grade level, Subject, or LoTi level User reviews, ratings, and comments on published lessons will help teachers identify the best lessons to use in their classrooms A review committee (consisting of ITSs, Coordinators, and teachers) will assign LoTi levels based on group dialogue to some of the published lessons each six weeks
Teachers will login using their district username and password
My Lessons allows the teacher to View a history of all their TechFusion submissions Create a new lesson Edit lessons that have not been published Choose to display or hide their name on published lessons
When creating a new lesson, the teacher is asked to Enter a title Provide an overview of the lesson Select the level from Bloom’s Taxonomy that best applies to the lesson Identify the strand (desktop publishing, data management, multimedia, or online learning)
When creating a new lesson, the teacher is asked to Select the TEKS addressed in the lesson Identify the kind of technology used Attach at least 3 examples of student products
When creating a new lesson, teacher has the option to Identify other teachers who participated in the lesson as collaborators Add links to web sites used in the lesson Attach any supporting documents that might be useful with the lesson
Published lessons will provide all IISD teachers with the lesson information entered by the submitting teacher. Plus, teachers who use the lesson in class can provide feedback through a 5-star rating system and comments.
Examples: Science example Science example Math example Math example Reading example Reading example
TF2 Technology integration lessons created by IISD teachers to be shared with other IISD teachers