Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving bias? 4.How do perceptions shape our views of others? 5.Should we try to read others ’ minds? 6.How can we sharpen our perceptions?
Perception and Understanding2 Perception Process We notice and make sense of experience and stimuli around us. Perception: an active process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations … etc. –Active –Three interrelated processes: selection, organization, interpretation (all blend into one another) Examples in daily life …
Perception and Understanding3 Selection Noticing stimuli (selective attention) Factors influencing selection –What stands out –What matters –What changes –What we instruct ourselves to attend to (or are trained to) –Other Motives: needs, interests …
Perception and Understanding4 Organization Not perceiving randomly, but in meaningful ways Constructivism –Applying cognitive structures (schemata) to organize and interpret experience Four cognitive schemata (schema) –Prototypes: representative ideals (for a specific category) –Personal constructs: mental yardsticks (of judgment) –Stereotypes: predictive generalizations about people, things... –Scripts: guides for action (a sequence of activities)
Perception and Understanding5 Interpretation Creating meaning and explanations for observation Attributions –Locus: internal-external locus (internal or external factor) –Stability: stable factors or temporary occurrences –Controllability: responsibility (under or beyond control) Self-Serving Bias –Tendency of serving personal interests –Good results → Positive / Internal control –Bad results → Negative / external control
Perception and Understanding6 Influences on Perception Physiological factors –Sensory abilities, biorhythm, age Expectations –Prior hints, subliminal priming, positive visualization Cognitive abilities –Cognitive complexity (constructs), person-centeredness, empathy Social Roles Cultural Factors
Perception and Understanding7 Guidelines for Sharpening Skills Avoid mind reading: Assuming we understand … Check perception with others –State what you noticed –Check if others perceive the same things –Seek help with interpretation Distinguish facts from inferences Monitor self-serving bias
Perception and Understanding8 分組報告之形式與要點 Key Terms (本週) – 非字典翻譯 – 闡述意義 – 舉例說明 – 可以群組一些相關字 詞,一次解釋 – 寫黑板、口述皆可, 不一定要做投影片 問題與討論 (次週) – 使用課本題目或者自 編題目 – 題目設計成可以讓同 學廣泛回應的形式 – 避免自問自答 – 約 2 題左右