Ipv6 and Loess Highlands Project in China Juncai Ma*, Shoji Hatano*, Yoshihiro Ichiyanagi* and Loess Highlands Project *BioGrid.cn Project and Information Network Center, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences On Jan. 29 th, 2004 at 17th APAN Meetings/Jt Techs Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Wind-blown sand in Beijing Desertification around Loess Highlands in Seoul (Korea) in Fukuoka(Japan) Loess Highlands
Father Zhu and his colleagues are very successful by folkway forestation
Septic tank system Computer-aided soil reformation Field servers Products with logs in Web IPv6/GRID Networking Forestation by traditional folk societies Fertilizer Agricultural products Dedication Environmental improvement Temple Town Forestation Fields IT agriculture
CREC model - reengineering of traditional cultural cyclic system by high technologies Culture Lives, Production High-techs CREC = Center for Recovery of Ecology and Culture in Yulin College, Yulin, Shaanxi in Loess Highlands.
Problems in Networking in Loess Highlands Few global IP addresses in countryside. -> IPv6 Connection between IPv6 networks. -> IPv6 on 6-to-4 on openvpn on IPv4 How authenticate servers and clients. -> Grid Computing with GLOBUS Security Infrastructure
Connection of IPv6 local networks Some routers cannot transfer 6to4 packets No IPv6 lines IPv6 6to4 6to4 over openvpn IPv6 6to4 6to4 over openvpn BeijingLoess Highlands IPv6 ppp over IPv4 TCP/IP
Authentication by GLOBUS Security Infrastructure (GSI) Certification Agent (CA) Server Certification User Certification User can access by certification of the same CA Setup GLOBUS client GLOBUS server
Server Certification User Certification
Proxy server for data transfer and authentication Server Certification We cannot install GLOBUS to field servers and cameras.
Normal position of certification files /etc/grid-security/ Position of certification files for field servers /server-A/etc/grid-security/ /server-B/etc/grid-security/ /server-C/etc/grid-security/ ……. Switch of certificates by chroot command /server-A/etc/grid-security/ “chroot /server-A” is accessed as if it were in /etc/grid-security/ Switch certificates by chroot command
A’s Server Certification IP for server A accessed B’s Server Certification IP for server B accessed Transferred A’s data Transferred B’s data Proxy server Data is retrieved by Grid-FTP in IPv6
Current status of the IPv6 networks Filed server Camera server Proxy server 6to4, openvpn gateway 6to4, openvpn gateway Certificated clients To the world KDD open 6to4 router in Japan Loess Highlands (Yulin, Shaanxi) IM-CAS, Beijing Osaka U., Japan ADSL
Future Plan Introduction of Metbroker. Monitoring of septic tank system. Locate field servers in forestation fields. Design and localization of forestation and agriculture logging system. Locate camera servers in temples for culture promotion.
Loess Highlands Project Yalin Liu, Furen Kang, Haijian Ai, Xionghua Wei, Xuelin He from Yulin College, Shaanxi (Localization) Father Xubi Zhu (The holder of Greening Prize in China) and Civilian Greening Network (Folkway forestation and preservation of traditional culture) Yoko Fukao from Tianjin Japan-China Graduate School / Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Japan (Fieldwork) Ayumu Yasutomi from Tokyo University, Japan (Fieldwork) Juncai Ma, Shoji Hatano, Yoshihiro Ichiyanagi from BioGrid.cn Project, Network Information Center, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPv6 networking and development of proxy server) Hiroyuki Fujimori from DGC Institute Ltd. and Future Farmers Group, Japan (IT agriculture). Hongyu Shi, Shogo Fujii, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo from Biogrid project, Osaka University, Japan (Development of IPv6 GLOBUS and IPv6 Grid-FTP) Takaharu Kameoka from Mie University, Japan (Field servers, sensors for septic tank system) Masayuki Hirafuji from National Agriculture Research Center, Japan (Field servers) Aoki Electric Co. Ltd., Japan (Septic tank system) Kazunari Yokoyama from Hokkaido Agriculture Research Center, Japan (Computer- aided soil reformation, IT Agriculture)
Demonstration Data collected through IPv6 GLOBUS are presented in a html page in a server in Beijing. Camera server monitoring septic plant in Yulin College, Shaanxi (IPv6 only) Field server monitoring experimental field in Yulin College, Shaanxi (IPv6 only)
Data is collected through IPv6 Grid- FTP from Loess Highland to Beijing. Renewal every 5 minutes. The specimen is demonstrated on Jan. 28 th 16:20 CST Monitoring the septic plant by a LAN camera. Please scroll down the page.
Monitoring temperature of experimental field by field server. 17 degree Celsius. Please scroll down the page.
Monitoring the network speed from Loess Highlands to Beijing KB/s with IPv6 over 6-to-4 over openvpn KB/s with openvpn KB/s with IPv4. ca 20% overhead by IPv6.