Feb. 10, Daisuke Naito, Okayama University in collaboration with Japanese si-soft group R. Tanaka, D. Naito (Okayama U.), R.Takashima (Kyoto U. of Education), T. Kondo (KEK), K. Hara, K. Nakamura, Y. Nakamura (Tsukuba U.) I. Ueda (ICEPP, U. of Tokyo) and helped by G. Gorfine (NKHEF) ATLAS Barrel SCT geometry update plan
Feb. 10, Status of barrel SCT simulation Geant3 simulation with NOVA parameters Geant4 simulation using G3-Nova parameters well reproduced G3 results. GeoModel version for DC2 with slight parameter changes. Working to update geometries: Drawings Detail geometry Simple geometry DC3
Feb. 10, Update plan Update plan Engineering Drawings GeoModel Detail Geometry GeoModel Simple Geometry for DC3 (hopefully) Volume & Material excel tables Using GeoModel for Geant4 Web page for this work: we are here
Feb. 10, Detail geometry (examples)
Feb. 10, Detail geometry to Simple geometry
Feb. 10, SCT Detail Module geometry using GeoModel SCT Module geometry is made up of 16 elements. A passive volume inherits a class named SCT_ShardComponent. A sensitive volume inherits a class named SCT_UniqueComponent.
Feb. 10, Structure of the detail geometry This geometry is divided into 3 components. SCT_InnerSide and SCT_OuterSide inherit SCT_UniqueComponent. SCT_DetailBaseBoard inherits SCT_SharedComponet.
Feb. 10, Structure of the detail geometry(2) A class named SCT_OuterSide group the elements like Sensor, ABCDChip, e.t.c…This class is defined complex shape that is made of air. These complex shape is made by boolean volume. The boolean volume makes a complex shape with subtracting a box or a tube or adding a box or a tube. SCT_InnerSide is made by the same way.
Feb. 10, Structure of the detail geometry(3) SCT_DetailBaseBoard includes elements named SCT_FarendFacing and SCT_CoolendFacing. SCT_DetailBaseBoard is made up of 5 elements.
Feb. 10, Dimensions and Coordinates We gave all dimensions and coordinates names. We calculate those coordinates with minimum geometry information. We avoid that code has magic numbers.
Feb. 10, Dimensions and Coordinates(2) For example, an coordinate of an element named bb2 that makes up SCT_DetailBaseBoard is calculated follows: bb2PosZ = bb1PosZ + 0.5*l_bb *l_bb2, where l_bb1 is length of bb1, l_bb2 is length of bb2.
Feb. 10, Some Results of Detail Simulation (1) : weight weight of detail module24.28 g weight of real modules24.77 g difference-2.0 % Use Hepvis Event Viewer Module No.Weight [g] average24.77 KEK measured the weight of the actual 14 SCT modules
Feb. 10, Some Results of Detail Simulation (2) : radiation length
Feb. 10, Verification of the module position
Feb. 10, Summary Detail geometry of the SCT barrel module was created from drawings. Detail geometry was installed into the SCT GeoModel program. Weight and radiation length were obtained. Simple geometry is being created.