Air Quality Data Exchange Exchange Network Users Meeting April 18th, 2006
Why we need the AQDE zAQS yQA - 3 month time lag in the data that is available zAirNowTech yMost states only submit Ozone and PM2.5 data zRequest from another state directly yTypically a substantial delay before receiving a response from the provider xMost transactions via postal mail xTime for a provider to prepare the data
Project Objectives zDemonstrate state to EPA yAQS data exchange via CDX yAirNow data exchange on AirNow node zDemonstrate state to state XML data exchange utilizing the EN yhourly yminute (NJ) zDemonstrate the state to state flow of AQS data geospatially. Drastically reduce the waiting time for states to obtain air quality data
Many Thanks zEPA yFunding yAQS (Nick Mangus) yAirNow (Phil Dickerson) zPartners yDelaware yNew York yNew Jersey
zenfoTech yXML data flow yProject management zSonoma Technologies yAirNowTech zESRI yGIS Technology
AQDE Schema zAQDE = AQS version 2 zUpgraded the AQS schema to be ESAR compliant zAdditional data elements for AirNow. zAllows states to yflow data to AQS yflow data to AirNowTech ysupport state to state data flow
zWhen EPA is ready to accept AirNow data over the Exchange Network, we will have 1 schema that works for everything. zReduces work on states.
Discoverable Web Services zWill register web services on Data Registry yOregon DEQ zUsers will be able to use the Data Discovery Tool or Service to find AQDE web services
Leveraging Schema and Web Services zReusing this flow for NJ Homeland Security data flow zDept. of Health - PHIN (Public Health Information Network).
Geospatial Analysis
AirNow/AirNowTech zAirNow yGeneral public yHourly data – AQI for Ozone and PM2.5 yGIF images zAirNowTech yGovernment and academia yHourly data - Absolute data values yAdditional parameters and met data yHistorical data yGIS
AirNowTech Navigator
Issues with Existing AirNow Data & Apps zCannot submit data to AirNowTech with web services or XML y States need to maintain separate data exchange mechanisms to support the submission of data to AirNow. zIn many cases AirNowTech does not contain updated or corrected data.
AQDE Solution
Enhanced Navigator zCreate a web service interface to retrieve submitted files. yNew AirNow node, separate from CDX zCreate data transformation module were yXML file is parsed directly into the AirNow database. yXML file is converted into.obs files, which is processed into AirNow database.
Create automated processing of data correction & updates. –States will submit data to the AIRNow Node using the AQDE XML Format. –Submission will include all updates since the last submission. –Submission can be scheduled through the state’s node client or other scheduling software.
Challenges zChoosing a GIS Solution yNew application yModification of existing application zBalancing the implementation of the AQDE flow with the implementation of new air monitoring systems.
Next Steps zImplement state to state flow zBegin enhancements to Navigator to accept XML flow zFace to face meeting to discuss flow and GIS development zTPA
Results zOut of state air quality data on demand yUse with any analysis method zReduced work for the states y1 schema 2 flows zEnhanced AirNowTech yMore updated and corrected data yRaising the profile of XML and web services in the air science community zSchema and web services that can be reused in future applications. zBetter information for health and homeland security decision-making.