Progetto Lauree Scientifiche a program to support hard science degrees in Italy Michele A. Floriano Università di Palermp Italy and ECTN
Basis & Motivations In a 2003 Communication from the Commission of the European Community it is stated that …. Education and training are crucial to achieving the strategic goal of the Lisbon declaration to make the European Union the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy (and society). E. C. Commission
Eurobarometer survey 2005
The Project Launched in June 2005 Duration: school years & Sponsors: Ministry of University & Education MiURMiUR Science Faculties Deans’ Association Con-ScienzeCon-Scienze Italian Manifacturers’ Association ConfindustriaConfindustria
Actions Students Guidance and Teacher Training in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics & Materials Science Stage, Job Placement and Master in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics & Materials Science Grants for freshmen in Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics Opinion Surveys and general Monitoring of the “Progetto ”
Budget ( 11 M€) from the Ministry & Universities Students Guidance and Teacher Training 5.9 M€ & 2.0 M€ Stage, Job Placement and Master 0.8 M€ & 0.2 M€ Grants for freshmen 1.3 M€ & 0.3 M€ Opinion Surveys and general Monitoring 0.3 M€ & 0.1 M€
Overall PLS 38 Universities 121 local units
Chemistry National project coordinated by: Prof. Ulderico Segre Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
1. Students Guidance and Teacher Training Experimental labs for students Courses for science teachers Information booklets, videos and Web sites Visits to University labs Demonstrations, lectures and talks
1.1Experimental labs for students The experiments are designed and the labs are organized jointly by School and University teachers in each local unit Different local experiences will be compared between them at the end of the 2-nd year
PLS Chemistry University of Naples School students stages at the University Labs in Schools: Setup at the University Take Labs to Schools Joint group of school and University teachers sets up lab experiments Expert teachers help school teachers with poor laboratory resources
Labs in School Chemistry Naples Teachers first perform experiments at University: they know what to do Full specifications in pdf files produced by teachers Lab kits are provided by the University for schools missing resources For more information (in Italian only):
Lab Kit for School Chemistry Naples Experiment: Prepare solutions by weighing and by dilution; Compare color and concentration Kit content: Glassware (graded cylinders, flasks, funnel, pipette) Chemicals (copper sulfate, copper nitrate, ethanol, distilled water) Filter paper; Slice; Balance container. Printed instructions, with questions and safety rules
1.2 Courses for science teachers Attendance: mainly by teachers which do not have a Chemistry degree Contents: An experimental approach to teaching Chemistry Different local experiences will be compared at the end of the 2nd year
1.3Information booklets, videos and Web sites
Guida alla scelta del corso di laurea in chimica Chemistry, a good choice A guide for the high school students looking at University studies Life without Chemistry? Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry
International Chemistry Olympiad - IChO The students participating to the Italy regional selections for the 2006 edition of IChO have been asked to fill in a questionnaire on their opinions regarding the bachelor degree in Chemistry More than 4000 students gave their opinions
International Chemistry Olympiad - IChO Are you planning to enroll in Chemistry at the University? DON ’ T KNOW49 NO32 YES19 Opinions about Chemistry studies (4000 high school stud.)
International Chemistry Olympiad - IChO
Conclusions It seems that we are doing what students think that should be done…