GSM Systems Division Andrew J Wilton Director of Applied Research GSM Systems Division Andrew J Wilton Director of Applied Research GSM Systems Division
AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Terminal Classes Standards GPRS Applications
GSM Systems Division Why Packet? Bursty Services bit/s t WWW browsing example Mean Many user actions are bursty e.g. browsing WWW pages Internet has variable delays PSTN channel not used 100% WWW pages Circuit Data Utilisation Circuit Capacity 33.6k * 56.6 Kbits/s Capacity (Mbytes) USED AVAILABLE* % USED ( Download) (Browsing) Web (browsing) Why Packet
GSM Systems Division Why Permanent Virtual Circuits? Modem Server Auth. Server Internet GSMPSTN User via GSM via GPRS Server GPRS User Auth. Server Internet Authenticated path to server Virtual GPRS Data Tunnel INITIAL CALL PROCESSTIME (s) GSM Call 4 TrainModem 30 Login and Authenticate 11 Download mail 180 Total 3 min 45s SUBSEQUENT CALL Repeat Above 3 min 45s Mail Only When Connected INITIAL CALL PROCESSTIME (s) GPRS Call 4 Login and Authenticate 11 Download mail 180 Total 3 min 15s SUBSEQUENT CALL Not applicable - Virtual Cct0min 0s Mail Continuously Downloaded Permanent Virtual Circuits
GSM Systems Division * lower figure is data only Saturated Voice Cell - 1 Carrier subscribers Upgrade to Data Saturated Voice Cell + 15% Subs are Data 56kbit/s PenetrationGPRS HSCSD 3% 0 5 * % 0 14 * -21 New Timeslots Required 1 1 Conditions: Data - 1:10 duty cycle - 15 minute sessions - 1 session/ 4 hours ~ 10 mins worst case delay Voice - 20mE - 1% blocking GPRS - the Low Cost Data Upgrade
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division GPRSRegisterH/VLR MSC BTS BSCGMSC HLR/AUC GPRS Register MAP A-bis PSTN ‘A’ GSM Architecture
GSM Systems Division SGSN GPRSRegisterH/VLR GGSN SGSN MSC BTS BSC GMSC Peer Elements CircuitSwitchedTraffic PacketTraffic HLR/AUCGPRSRegister A-bis PCU Gb Gi Gn MAP ‘A’ GGSN PSTN Architecture - GSM with GPRS Public Switched Packet Network
GSM Systems Division Routeing info Intranet HLR SGSN External Data Domain Mobililty Management Session Management - QoS - Security - Attach/Detach SGSN Internet Servers Client GGSN MAP Signalling MAP Signalling (GGSN) (SGSN) - Routing - Signalling - Resource Mgt. Client BSS PCU BSS PCU BSS PCU BSS PCU BSS PCU What IS an SGSN/GGSN
GSM Systems Division RLC –Segmentation/Re-assembly –ARQ MAC –Multiplexing (different mobiles) –Contention resolution (u/l) - QOS related –Scheduling/queueing (d/l) - QOS related CCU BSC GSN BTS A bis GbGb PCU RLC MAC Packet Switching GPRS Function The Packet Control Unit (PCU)
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division A new modulation Scheme - 8PSK 200 KHz Channel spacing - unchanged Symbol rate unchanged - 270k symbol/s BUT - 3 bits/symbol Rate Code Rate CS1 9.05kb/s 0.5 CS2 13.4kb/s 0.66 CS3 15.6kb/s 0.75 CS4 21.4kb/s 1.0 GMSK (1 bit/s/symbol) GPRS Rate Code Rate MCS522.4 kb/s 0.37 MCS629.6 kb/s 0.49 MCS744.8 kb/s 0.76 MCS859.2 kb/s PSK (3 bit/s/symbol) GMSK (1 bit/s/symbol) Rate Code Rate MCS1 8.8 kb/s 0.53 MCS211.2 kb/s 0.66 MCS314.8 kb/s 0.80 MCS417.6 kb/s 1.00 EDGE = GMSK + PSK EDGE EDGE - Key Aspects Coding Rates for GPRS & EDGE
GSM Systems Division Higher Date Rate Requires - More RF Bandwidth - More C/I For EDGE additional C/I dB = 1+ log 2 )( C B S I Shannon’s Law EDGE Coverage Relative to Speech 1, % Cell Area Covered Data Rate / Time Slot 1 Interference Limited Case 2 Conditions: Speech Coverage 12dB C/I 4/12 Re-use No SFH 10 % Block Erasure Rate EDGE - Coverage vs Data Rate
GSM Systems Division * Whole Carrier1 4 time Slots2 Interference Ltd Evolution Paths for GSM
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division Assumes 4/12 reuse and speech coverage at 12 dB C/I (no SFH) No Retransmission (kb/s) Two Retransmissions One Retransmission Effect of ARQ
GSM Systems Division Over Dimension Transmission Over Dimension Transmission - delay budget QoS Management QoS Management PSTN PPDN MSCMSC XCDRXCDR GGSNGGSN SGSNSGSN GMSCGMSC Transmission Transmission MSC Costs MSC Costs Transcoders Transcoders Transmission Transmission IP Routers IP Routers Media Gateways Media Gateways ?? Voice over Packet Voice over Circuit BTSBTS BSCBSC PC U Cost Bandwidth vs Delay 20 ms* x1 x10 2 ms* Capacity Average bit/s t Voice Voice packets lost Data in spare voice B/W Packet Switch Voice Over IP
GSM Systems Division GSM SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION - MSC based - Slow rollout (regression testing) - Service lost on roaming - New Service introduction - potentially corrupts all services - potentially corrupts all services - Tied to MSC vendor PSTN PPDN MSCMSC XCDRXCDR GGSNGGSN SGSNSGSN GMSCGMSC BTSBTS BSCBSC PC U GPRS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION - Client Server based - Very fast rollout - Multiple sources for Application development development - Each service is stand alone - cannot corrupt others - cannot corrupt others - Matched to Web implementation IP Address Server Phone (Client) The Service provider
GSM Systems Division 5th Supplier - UMTS RAN - UMTS RAN BSCBSC PCUPCU PSTN MSCMSC XCDRXCDR GGSNGGSN SGSNSGSN BTSBTS GMSCGMSC BSCBSC XCDRXCDR BTSBTS RNCRNC NODE B UMTS RAN IuIu GbGb ‘A’ ServerServer PPDNPPDN Single MSC/ Single MSC/ + BSS Supplier 2 nd Supplier - BSS 3 rd Supplier - GPRS Core Network Network 4 th Supplier - Service Framework GPRS- Opportunities for Competition
GSM Systems Division UMTS GSM UMTS Islands of UMTS coverage - small cell size - demand driven Wide area coverage - GPRS or EDGE Dual mode UMTS/GSM handsets ServerServer GPRS/EDGE UMTS UMTS Service Services at edge of network - transport via GSM or UMTS Service Transparent to Transport - between operators - between media (copper, mobile etc.,) - A few services - will run less well on GPRS/EDGE CELLULAR COVERAGE CELLULAR SERVICE Data Islands of Coverage
GSM Systems Division Client/Server will be the Service Solution Opportunities for Competition UMTS Ready Large number of Application Developers Service Re-use on UMTS Sell Service on Value not Cost Client/Server will be the Service Solution Opportunities for Competition UMTS Ready Large number of Application Developers Service Re-use on UMTS Sell Service on Value not Cost - Speed of service deployment - UMTS will require for cost effective deployment - No disruption to speech service - No longer ‘tied’ to switch vendor - Re-use of GPRS core network - Competition - Speed GPRS Threats and Opportunities
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division Standards Issues PSTN MSCMSC XCDRXCDR GGSNGGSN SGSNSGSN GMSCGMSC RNCRNC NODE B UMTS RAN I u Interface GbGb ServerServer PPDNPPDN To GSM BSS Upgraded MSC Network GPRS Core Network I u - One Logical Interface - Two Physical Interfaces
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division GPRS Terminal Types Type A: Can support circuit and packet calls concurrently. Type B:This type of phone can support circuit or packet (not both together) and can be registered for both…i.e. an IP address and a PSTN number. Type C:This type of phone can only be registered for packet OR circuit but not both.
GSM Systems Division GPRS Terminal - Multi-Slot Classes
GSM Systems Division AGENDA Why Packet? GSM/GPRS Architecture What is EDGE? Deployment Issues Standards Terminal Classes GPRS Applications Agenda
GSM Systems Division Dual Slot Phones SIM Toolkit - some services now WAP,MExE - full network interaction - in the future E-Commerce -Key Enablers
GSM Systems Division E-commerce Dual-slot mobile phones (SIM Toolkit) Retailers Loyalty Cards Banking Shopping Promotions Financial / Banking Finance Banking On-line transactions Clearing House Corporate / Operator Applications VPN Cost control Intranet Certificate Authority Merchant Transactions Mobile Transactions Application Providers Content News Weather Sport E- Commerce Over GPRS
GSM Systems Division
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