More Genetics
Mutations A Mutation is a change in the structure of the DNA in one cell that is permanent and reproduced in new cells. eg. Cancer – When cells grow out of control because of changes in their DNA If Gametes (sperm and ova) have mutations, they will be passed onto your offspring!
Mechanisms of Mutation
Mutations and Evolution Evolution is driven by the process of mutations. If a beneficial mutation occurs, the offspring may have an advantage over other organisms.
Causes of Mutations Chemicals – toxins can cause mutations Eg. Tobacco smoke can sit in the lungs and change cells, eventually causing cancer (carcinogens)
Causes of Mutations cont… Physical – Radiation from the UV or x-rays or background radiation etc can alter DNA. Your body has some ability to repair itself, but effects tend to be cumulative.
Causes of Mutations cont… Biological Factors – Viruses Viruses change a cell’s DNA and can cause cancer later in life Eg HPV (same virus that causes genital warts) Certain types of this virus cause 95% of cervical cancers
Genetic Testing Amniocentesis – Amniotic fluid in women is tested to see if baby’s DNA contains genetic markers for disease
Cloning Taking DNA from body cells and injecting it into an egg. The baby would be genetically identical to donor.