Managing Stress and Anxiety
What is Stress? Reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands Stress can affect your physical, mental, and social health How much stress you feel depends upon your perception of the event
What causes stress? Stressors is anything that causes stress Biological: illnesses, injuries Environmental: poverty, pollution, noise Cognitive: how you perceive a situation Personal Behavior: tobacco, alcohol, drugs Life Situation: death, divorce, friends
Bodies Stress Response Alarm: First stage, body and mind go into high alert. Flight or Fight. Prepares Body Resistance: Second Stage, body adapts and reacts. Fatigue: Third stage, body loses ability to adapt and fatigue sets in. Tired feeling takes over.
Stress and Your Health Unavoidable part of life Physical effects: Psychosomatic Response Psycho: of the mind Somatic: of the body Headache Asthma High blood pressure Weakened immune system
Stress and Your Body (cont) Mental/Emotional and Social Effects Difficulty concentrating Mood swings Risk of substance abuse
Managing Stress Identify Personal Causes Life events: graduation, moving, illness, divorce Physical: injury, lack of sleep, drug use, excessive dieting or exercise Daily Hassles: deadlines, conflicts, time
Ways to Manage Stress Plan Ahead Get enough Sleep Physical Activity Eat Nutritious Food Avoid Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs
Stress Management Techniques Redirect Energy Relaxation Positive Outlook Seek help
Anxiety Condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen. Feelings of fear Perspiration, muscle tension, trembling Rapid heart rate, shortness of breath
Depression Prolonged feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. Reactive: response to a stressful event. Usually goes away on its own Major: medical condition requiring treatment.
Symptoms of Teen Depression Most young people do not act sad or seem different from their friends. Irritable or restless moods Withdrawal from friends Change in appetite or weight Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Sense of hopelessness
Suicide The act of intentionally taking one’s own life. Most thoughts of committing suicide are impulsive and temporary, the unfortunate consequence – death or debilitating injury- is permanent.
Risk Factors 90% of those who kill themselves are suffering from depression or mental disorders. History of physical or sexual abuse Alcohol or drug abuse History of previous suicide attempts Family history of emotional disorders or suicide
Warning Signs Verbal: Direct statements: I want to die, I don’t want to live anymore, I wish I where dead Indirect statements: They will be sorry when I’m gone, Nothing matters, I won’t have to put up with this much longer. Writing poems, songs or lyrics about death Suicide threats
Warning Signs Non-verbal or behavioral Withdrawal from friends Impulsive or bizarre behavior Preoccupation with giving personal belongings away Violent actions Substance abuse Dramatic changes in personality, hygiene or apperarance
Helping Others Initiate a meaningful conversation Show interest Listen Be patient and understanding Show support and ask questions Remind them that most problems have solutions Ask them if they are planning to kill themselves Try to persuade the person to seek help Get them to talk with a parent, teacher, counselor, Offer to go with them to get help