Mechanics/Cooling U.S. Silicon Strip Upgrade Meeting M. Gilchriese August 12, 2008
Overview Work since June 6 review by LBL/W. Miller Status of stress studies/prototypes Petal prototype, in collaboration with Valencia Overlap with pixel mechanics/summary of pixel plans LBL strip mechanics plans and schedule with currently expected resources
Since June Review For some months prior to the June review, almost out of $, could only maintain some design effort(W. Miller) (including for pixels) + document for review LBL provided some additional funds about one month ago => restarted prototype effort (also for pixels) and buying materials for future prototypes. These funds must be spent by end FY08. Strip work has been concentrated on stress issues (described next), collaborating with Valencia on petals and BNL/Yale interchanges.
Stave Prototype Construction Stress concern is tube contracts as T is lowered, facing nominally expands slightly and this can put shear stress on foam(and adhesives). Does this cause cracking/failure? Aluminum tube coupled to foam or facing using compliant, gel-like adhesive CGL-7018 – Used for pixels. Shear modulus(G) is temperature, age(since dispense) and radiation dependent. Detailed data do not exist, simple tests for pixels decade ago suggest G ≤ about 1 MPa cold and after irradiation. Vendor spec on shear strength is < 2.1 MPa(about 300 psi) but this does not take into account temperature or radiation and concept of shear strength for this stuff is not so easy to define Foam to facing also used CGL, except on one side of one prototype, where we used EG7658, a compliant adhesive, with G 100 Mpa and shear strength of about 7 Mpa. But properties are temperature dependent(gets stiffer at lower temperature) and not well known. EG7658 also used for pixels, in high radiation region, to join Al to Al CGL-7018 EG7658
Strip Stave Prototype Results All three prototypes(about 34 cm long) were thermal cycled 50 times from about 20C to about -35C Thermal performance afterwards was same as before thermal cycling But about all this shows is that there is no catastrophic failure. Stress concentrated very close to end of tube(see later slides), very local failure only(in last few mm where tube exits) would not be observable in these tests. We have also thermal cycled a pixel prototype(about 6 cm long) that has similar construction albeit with a different type of foam and have looked directly (visually and thermally) at the edge where the tube exits. No effect seen, but very limited experience so far Its worth noting that there is experience outside HEP that is relevant. Space radiator panels in which metallic tubes are either brazed or hard- bonded to POCO foam in a panel structure. These see T excursions of hundreds of C. Some pictures on next page, ask for references.
Outside HEP
Modeling Measurements of POCO foam properties not in good agreement. Data for pixel low-density foam candidates hardly exist Adhesive properties not well known, particularly at low T Results for stress also depend strongly on assumed bond-line thickness, concept of bond-line between porous foam and tube not well defined Will show some results but bottom line is that have to make measurements and then adjust model to agree and see if it makes sense.
Foam Properties We have not done an exhaustive compilation. POCO foam Young’s modulus GPa Likely not uniform(remember thermal conductivity is not uniform) and difference between compression and tension. Tensile strength ~ 1-2MPa Compressive strength ~3MPa? Plastic behaviour?
Models Example below shows the normal stress in the z-direction on the POCO foam with E=0.5 GPa (worst?) and with G=1.4 MPa for both tube and facing adhesive. To show that foam near tube is in compression and in tension near facing Comparison of (simplified) 60 cm and 4cm model demonstrates peak stresses near end ~ same => can use short model Facing Facing adhesive Foam Tube adhesive Tube
Example Results – Peak Values Values depend on bond-line thickness (4 mil here) Adds some confidence to prototype results but not definitive, in my opinion Hard to understand margin from this
Stress Samples and Testing Made small stress samples – Visually inspect and thermal cycle from +25 to -30 fifty times – No cracks in foam observed after T cycle….but maybe can’t see Will measure stress/strain directly on these samples (and others) by pulling on tube relative to facings => direct measure of strength of tube/adhesive and foam interface.
What Should be Done Next? Ideally, careful program of measurement of samples of foam and adhesives, including temperature dependence to extract moduli and strengths. Adjust model to achieve agreement with data. Will take time (~year) and not so easy to understand but should be done In parallel, build prototypes and test Full-length, thermal cycle necessary to convince people Note for strips, could use POCO HTC (or CVDed POCO) that has higher strength and higher K but also twice density, which would increase X0 by ~ 0.1
Connection to Pixels We are pursuing pixel concept that has many similarities with strip stave except that low-density, thermally conducting foam is used throughout Even more important to understand stress issues. Foam more fragile
Comment on ~ 3mm Strip Stave To achieve close to 3mm thickness of stave I believe requires tube/foam concept Cannot cut foam to “knife edge” Prototype made (although tube 4.9mm OD) in this way and thermal performance good. Did machining test with POCO foam to see what 3mm looks like (also a trial for pixels). Could be done (a bit messy). Tube exposed to facing. “Masking” small region on top/bottom of tube to prevent adhesive from connecting tube to facing difficult(impossible?) = > compliant adhesive But analysis different than case of foam surrounding tube. Must model adhesive and contact with facing….not done by us
Petal Overview Valencia is doing the overall design, FEA and detailed design of prototype and tooling (or almost all tooling). Will be conservative construction, basically same as LBL short prototype stave but in petal shape Our role restricted to – Comments on the design of the prototype – Fabrication at LBL of 1 – 2 full-size prototype petals – Hand off fabrication knowledge to Valencia… – No design or FEA responsibility Expect Valencia to take petal core(s), instrument and test, starting ~ November.
Petal Content and Status Honeycomb ordered(for other prototypes as well), delivery end September. Make and cut plates (3 ply K13D2U, one started) by September - > facings Expect stainless tube from Yale. Bend at LBL Expect foam from Yale. If we can get foam soon and know tube diameter, can cut at LBL before end September. If delayed into October, Yale may have to do it ($ problem in FY09) Assemble at LBL, with Valencia personnel in attendance, at least for first petal. No earlier than October. Exact schedule TBD. 2 nd petal fabrication at LBL depends on how all this goes($ problem in FY09). Cheapest to do both at once.
One Page Summary of Pixel Mechanics Plan Have made and tested thermal performance of 4 small prototypes with foam from 3 vendors and will make more small prototypes as vendors develop foam. All good so far and thermally concept looks promising Detailed design optimization(thru FEA) of facings(carbon fiber, orientation, thickness, is carbon-carbon better…) foam(K), tubes (including Ti, SS) to be done thermally and mechanically. Foam and adhesive properties, including understanding related adhesives (eg. diamond loaded instead of AlN) Models and small prototypes to understand stress issues Allcomp, Inc via SBIR plans to make ~ ½ length stave with their foam that would be instrumented and thermally tested at LBL Significant overlap with strips in some parts (mostly stress issues) but also a lot of work to be done, more than for strips
Current LBL Strip Mechanics Plans FY09 mechanics(pixels+strips) budget currently ~ 70% of FY08 Continue stress calculations and prototypes. How long this will take? Guess ~ early 2009 for initial stress understanding validated by sufficient prototypes(for strips, much longer for pixels) Fabricate 1, hopefully 2, petal prototypes by ~ November 2008 Hand-off petal fabrication knowledge to Valencia by ~ end 2008 Compare thermal FEA between W. Miller and Yale(Emmet) and hand-off by ~ September. Continue advisory role on design/prototypes ~ end 2008 Retain part of FY09 funding for pixel work, don’t spend all on strips, which means phase out of strip work Concentrate on pixel mechanics from 2009 onwards