TVF: Theoretical Basis The Time Variable Filtering (TVF) is a filtering technique that does not give a dispersion curve but a smooth signal (a signal time-variable filtered), in which all effects of noise, higher modes and other undesirable perturbations have been removed (Cara, 1973). For it, a Fourier synthesis of the observed signal is performed (Brigham, 1988), in which only are considered the Fourier harmonics in the neighboring of the group time t g (f), given by the formula: where F(f) is the Fourier spectrum of f(t), computed applying the FFT forward to the observed signal f(t). The expression for time-frequency window w(t,f) is presented in the following slide (Bath, 1974).
TVF: Theoretical Basis The parameters and are constant during the filtering process (Cara, 1973). Usually, the values for these constant parameters are = 5 and = 0. This filtering technique requires a starting dispersion curve t g (f), to perform the Fourier synthesis. This dispersion curve can be provided by the application of the MFT to the observed signal f(t), previously to the computation of the TVF. where t w is given by
Filtered signal g(t) f(t) F(f) FFT Selection of an initial dispersion curve tg(f) = /Ug(f) Time-variable filtering Time window w(t,f) Preprocessed signal f(t) (observed seismogram with instrumental correction) TVF: Flow Chart
TVF: An Example The above-described filtering process, as an example, has been applied to the trace shown below, which has been instrumentally corrected. The starting dispersion curve t g (f) necessary to perform the TVF, has been obtained from this observed trace by application of the MFT, as it is shown in the PPT presentation: MFT.MFT
TVF: An Example A Fourier synthesis of the observed signal shown in (a) is performed, considering only the Fourier harmonics in the neighboring of the dispersion curve shown in (b), to obtain the time-variable filtered signal shown in (c).
TVF: References Bath M. (1974). Spectral Analysis in Geophysics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Brigham E. O. (1988). The Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Cara M. (1973). Filtering dispersed wavetrains. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 33, TVF: Web Page