Chandra Calibration Status ACIS 1.Gain correction files for epochs 30, 31 and 32 were released in CALDB (Sept 2007), (Dec. 2007) and (March 2008). 2.The blank sky background data sets were reprocessed with the latest cti-corrected calibration products and released in CALDB Updated gain correction files for data taken at a focal plane temperature of T=-110 C with the BI chips (S1 and S3) were released in CALDB 3.4.3
HRC An updated HRC-I de-gap corrections table derived from the AO8 Capella raster scan was released in CALDB This improves image reconstruction for off-axis sources. Web Pages 1. A tag index of all presentations given at the Chandra calibration workshops is now on-line at
ACIS and HETG Calibration Projects Develop a set of cti-corrected calibration products for CC-mode observations. ACIS Flight Grades
Comparison of TE and CC mode grade distributions
Comparison between ECS data taken in TE and CC mode
Comparison between Mn-K line profile in TE and CC mode
Future work on CC mode calibration 1. The CC mode cti-correcter only works when all flight grades other than 255 are telemetered. This will require a new default SI mode for ACIS data taken in CC mode. 2. At present, CC mode observations do not telemeter grade 7 events, so a separate QE for CC mode must be developed for all CC mode data taken until a new SI mode is implemented.
Plot from the IACHEC Meeting comparing MOS, PN, and ACIS spectral fitting results in the 2-7 keV band for a sample of 7 clusters. HRMA Calibration Projects
Comparison of ACIS derived temperatures in a broad band, a hard band and from the H-like to He-like Fe K alpha line ratio.
Residuals in the Abell 2029 spectrum assuming the gas temperature is given by the Fe line ratio (kT=7.9 keV).
Two corrections have been applied to the predictions of the raytrace code since XRCF. Empirical XRCF correction HRMA overlayer of 22A
Sensitivity of derived cluster temperatures on the depth of the HRMA overlayer without the empirical XRCF correction.
Spectra fitting results with a HRMA effective area model without the XRCF empirical correction and a depth of 20A for the overlayer.
Comparison with XMM-Newton
Fit to the continuum source at XRCF with a variable depth for the overlayer on each shell
Things to do Determine the depth of the overlayer required to match the SSD continuum measurement for each shell. Apply the XRCF derived overlayer depths for each shell to the in-flight HRMA effective area model. Adjust the HETG gratings transmission efficiency and the HRC-S QE accordingly. Validate the in-flight HRMA effective area model with gratings and cluster data.
HRC-I and LETG Calibration Projects Generate high spatial resolution, time-dependent gain corrections for the HRC-S Median PHA (sum of all pre-amps) vs. energy on HRC-I
Median PHA at C-Ka vs. position on central HRC-S chip
Median SAMP (sum of 6 pre-amps) at C-Ka vs. position on central HRC-S chip
Time dependence of HRC-S gain