02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul 1 Rural areas communications access, terminals and home systems General ETSI activities overview SOURCE:ETSI, Chairman of the TC AT TITLE:Standardization activity on Rural areas communications access, terminals and home systems AGENDA ITEM:Joint GSTC/GSRC 4.4 [HIS 4] CONTACT:Nuno Encarnação, GSC9/JOINT-009
02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul2 Rural areas have 2 main characteristics Long distance to main centres Low density of users with a wide spectrum of requests Most rural communications systems can be classified Access systems, typically based on radio Due to the large costs of wired systems Lower costs and increasing capacity of present radio systems Terminals and Home systems, playing increasingly a central role in rural areas to support Telecommunications Universal Service (e.g. voice telephony) A number of available video services (TV, other information) Remote assistance in different areas Introduction
02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul3 Terminals and Home systems in rural areas The long distances to (non-Telecom) service centres create an additional justification for the use of (tele-) communication systems, e.g. emergency, medical, administration, tele-banking, cultural, social, commercial, newspapers, white goods, fire, police services used from remote sites Rural Terminals and Home systems may (or not) need less broadband applications than business areas in urban centres but have a wider range of applications and urgent user’s social requests (service centres are farther than in urban areas) Terminals and Home Systems
02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul4 General information Working Group AT-N works in Wide scope initial work plan collects informationinitial work plan New services and Home Technology independent solutions Home Network elements to inter-operate among them and with Telecom Networks & Services All technologies (wire, wireless, access, home) beneficiate to coexist and be used at the best Home Networks, Home
02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul5 Home environment common items Backwards compatibility with legacy systems Backwards compatibility, support of legacy terminals features [TR series] Maximise the usage of harmonised or converging solutions, e.g. interface offered for POTS [ES ] Future oriented convergence with NGNs’ evolution Improve inter-working among base technologies Facilitate differentiation & universality of services & contents Consider horizontal aspects Regulatory framework on services & networks, terminals, etcframework terminals Interoperability among different solutions High QoS [Quality of Service], e.g. for Voice [EG ]QoS Support to emergency situationsemergency situations Security/ Data protection, Lawful Interception SecurityLawful Interception EMC, safety EMCsafety
02/06/2015GSC-9, Seoul6 TR series (in development) Will collect the maximum information Co-operation with CENELEC, ITU-T & others exist and is being intensified E.g. Smart House aspects is one focus Narrow Band and Broad Band web sites Narrow Band Broad Band Offer a central point for information in these areas Information on (wire-line) Access & Terminals Common and general aspects: Specific technology aspects: xDSL, BroadBandCableCom, Power LinexDSLBroadBandCableComPower Line –Note: ETSI deliverables can be downloaded free of charge from » Work in the Home environment