The Road Map Roger Larsen, Founder, Fronter LGfL, 15 th July 2008
School Enterprise Solution
Since July last yearAchievement Number of schools ordered659 LA’s with schools in the London MLE29 Number of administrators trained870 Number of accredited trainers87 LA training sessions164 Number of SLT’s completed482 Number of MIS integrations422
Since July last yearAchievement Number of incoming calls8265 Number of outgoing calls8995 Issues reported4510 (total) Issues resolved4330 (total) Number of logins to London MLE1.5 million
Requested by LGfLDelivered Customer portalYes – ver 1, ver 2 in production ShibbolethYes Reference GroupYes, instead of one we have two! Primary interfaceYes, version 2 coming e-learning courses8 completed and one more on the way MIS integrationsYes Bulk import toolYes School to school transferYes
Not contractual requested but still...Delivered Bridge (cross borough collaboration)Yes SMS messagingYes Resource and room bookingYes Appointment shoppingYes Fronter LiveroomYes Elluminate LiteYes External search to content repositoriesYes Sound RecorderYes New FIMYes Whos onlineYes Improved EditorYes
ActivitiesWhen Show and tell events10 and 10 more scheduled London MLE weekw/c 13 th of October London MLE ConferenceEmirates Stadium for 4 th Dec 2008!
We are working for you! 8 new developers (24 in total) 2 designers (1 with a Primary focus) 4 Delivery Managers 1 Project Manager 5 on technical support 4 on integrations 4 on backoffice and management 1 Tom Soron!
My Agenda Parental portal & real time reporting agenda Recap of Fronter 81 Now in Fronter 82 Coming in Fronter 91 The Roadmap ahead
Parental Portal “To what extent can/will London MLE meet the requirements of parental reporting set out by Education Minister Jim Knight in January 2008?” – Governmental target is for Secondary – 2010 Primary – 2012
Parental Portal, our goal: To tick all 5 boxes presented by Jim Knight Achievement, Attendance, Behaviour, SEN, Progress To deliver the parental portal by 2009 Functionality will be free within the London MLE Fees to MIS vendors will apply Warning: All is dependent on MIS providers willingness to exchange data and their compliancy to SIF
Parental Portal, roadmap: Currently Parental login, with access to results held within the LondonMLE 2-way MIS integration using SIF Fronter 91 (Jan 2009) 2-way integration with SIMS Fronter 92 (Aug 2009) 2-way integration with other MISes First version of parental portal with reporting of Achievement, Attendance, Behaviour, SEN, Progress Thereafter continued development of the parental portal
Parental Portal, 2-way MIS: Support for SIF is already in place waiting for MIS providers to support SIF Due in Fronter 91 for SIMS Using technology that has been mandated by Capita This allows Teachers to send assessment data from within Fronter portfolio to assessment manager Real time reporting to parental portal Note: Requires willingness from two parties; Learning platform and the MIS
14-19 agenda “In the context of the new Diploma Courses which start in September, can the London MLE help us record and revue the attendances of students who are scheduled daily to attend more than one venue?”
14-19 agenda, now Bridge Allow users to be enrolled into rooms across LA borders Pluspack, but included in the London MLE free of charge Attendance Allow attendance recording across school borders, limited within the LA However, attendance across LA borders are achieved by using the Bridge Pluspack, but “lite” version included in the London MLE free of charge Upgrade required in order to export data to MIS when 2-way integration is established
Recap of Fronter 81 (Jan 08) Shibboleth SIF Webfronter Bridge Customer portal 1 Resource booking Image resizing Sound recorder
Now in Fronter 82 (Aug 08) Learning Resource Exchange Elluminate (Meeting and Liveroom) Appointment shopping Direct sound record Direct picture upload New FIM and ”Who’s online” Creaza (pluspack)
Started for Fronter 91 (Jan 09) Entrance hall Visual mail Primary mode 2-way Capita integration Calendar sync with mobiles and Outlook Customer portal 2 Hand in and digital exam Enhanced Scorm and AICC support Thumbnail display Ranking
Further on Fronter 91 Improvements to Webfronter Drag’n’drop today (netvibes) Improved RSS client Enhanced Elluminate integration (scheduling) Smartfolders
Fronter 92 (Aug 09) Personal – Parental portal – New client – Improved SMS client Content – Sub objects in acrhive – Metabased archive Administration – End Of Year 2 – Web 2.0 integrations Learning – Test (qti 2.0) – Page – Learningpath – Attendance/Gradebook – Learning goals tool – Eportfolio – Showcase portfolio Collaboration – Wiki
Other projects Widgets on today Info central Navigation wheel iPhone interface Infochannel Jabber Stickies Todo Word processor Lesson planner HTML/PDF converter Binder IPR control deStore
Primary Examples of the School corridor as an example of the London MLE Reference group working