Who Are We? The Port Phillip Community Rehabilitation Centre is an interdisciplinary team comprising of: 2.0 Physiotherapy0.9 Community Nurse 1.53 Occupational Therapy0.6 Social Work 1.9 Allied Health Assistant0.4 Speech Therapy Access to Community Health Dietician and Podiatrist
Aim To provide intensive rehabilitation to people in the community who are disabled, frail, chronically ill or recovering from a traumatic injury / illness.
Target Group Adults of any age, living or working in the City of Port Phillip, Prahran, or part of Stonnington * Not exclusively an elderly service, although the elderly make up a good proportion of our referrals.
Criteria Client has suffered a recent disability / illness or an acute-on-chronic episode. Require intensive rehabilitation ie., twice per week over a medium time frame including other disciplines.
Intake Referrals are received from the Community, GP’s, Case Managers, Hospitals, Family, Carers or self. Need to be accompanied by a SCOTT form and medical information.
DiagnosisNo. of admissions Falls and mobility159 Other geriatric management87 COAD48 Other Neurological35 Other32 Post hip replacement26 Other orthopaedic23 CVA20 Post lower limb fracture16 Post knee replacement16 Ostoearthritis12 Post upper limb fracture11 Pain10 Back Pain9 Cardiac6 Post-op non-orthopaedic6 Rheumatoid arthritis6 Multiple fractures5
Processes Team Member contacts client. Initial Team Assessment or Individual assessment Setting of Goals with client. Multidisciplinary program designed and implemented Discharge plan made
Programs on offer We offer both individual and group therapies. Rehabilitation groups include: Hydrotherapy Upper Limb Group Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Maintenance Falls Education Outdoor Mobility Group Seating Clinic Time to Talk Group Community Access and Recreation Support Access to Rehab Registrar and Continence Clinic
Transport and Cost Clients are encouraged to provide own transport. If this is not possible, then we will try to arrange Day Links or a Taxi so the client can participate in Rehab. Cost: $6.50 $2.50 for group sessions