Software Development in B A B AR Neil Geddes Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
BACKGROUND BaBar CP violation experiment at SLAC Approved 1995 Start May 1999, run for 5-10 years Software Learn from experience and the software industry Computing Group proposed OO in C++ Accepted by the Collaboration
OO Program to interfaces Polymorphism Hide the representation Separate data and algorithms Code Re-use Separate data and algorithms Abstract data types Objects
C++ Not the real issue Software is only written slowly Why C++ ? Only viable choice for large OO project. But Learning new language Language choice does affect design decisions No language Standard Complicated language
BaBar Walk before we learned to run Break problem into manageable pieces Infrastructure to support developers Early prototype - Analysis/user interface in 1996 “Learning while doing” Extensive training of core developers Continued user training BaBar Mock Data Challenges Could do better !
LESSONS Core Team Must have a core team of principal developers Regular and frequent contact Infrastructure Support requirements will be underestimated Burden increases as some power of platforms distribution of users and developers overall project size Failures here will impact overall project design...
TRAINING Developers Importance can not be over-emphasised Users C++ and OO new to HEP This is perhaps the real issue with language choice Better software vs effort and complication
THE REAL ISSUES Software development is free Isn’t it ? We are scattered all over the world Complicates the project management and support Central decisions have wide reaching consequences So what are the real issues ? ResourcesProject Management Resources and Project Management
CONCLUSIONS Did we make the correct decision in 1995 ? OF COURSE WE DID!