CAMS Why are addresses important? Addresses are the primary location reference used by local governments Majority of the County’s services and assets are managed using address information Every department has data that references address information Addresses can integrate/relate data stored in separate County databases Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Countywide Address Management System California Geographic Information Association Survey
CAMS What is needed to make effective use of addresses? A central authoritative source of address data Tools for collaborative editing and analysis of address data An address information service program that: Manages the address database and workflows Facilitates data access and distribution Promotes new processes and data integration. A team to administer the program Countywide Address Management System
CAMS What is CAMS? A Computer Information System A central address database Collaborative tools for editing and analyzing address data A County Shared Services Program Address information products and services A technical team to administer the program Countywide Address Management System
CAMS CAMS: The System An enterprise Geographic Information System A GIS database hosted at ISD A desktop application for editing address data A web application for viewing address data Digital map products that support address location and other operations in the County Web services interfaces Countywide Address Management System
CAMS CAMS: The Shared Service New GIS Service Center (ISD/Urban Research) administers CAMS system Work Orders support address maintenance work flow CAMS address data is the foundation of core web services developed by GIS Service Center: Address Validation Geocoding Address-to-Address Routing Parcel-Address Translation GIS Service Center develops new address-based systems integration web services based on SOA Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Web Services Examples System-To-System Queries Does the address exist? Where is the address? What parcel is the address in? What addresses are within the parcel? What address is nearest to a geographic location? What intersection is nearest to the address or geographic location? Internet Mapping Map of an address. Aerial photo of the address. Data Integration and Sharing What licenses/permits are at the address? Has there been frequent crime activity at the address? Where is the nearest facility to an address? How do I get from one address to another? What service area is the address in? What is impacted by an event at a certain address? Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Countywide Address Management System
CAMS Countywide Address Management System