What’s New … Network for a Healthy California Presented at the SHAPE California Meetings Spring 2008
New Name, New Look, New Brand 2007 Network for a Healthy California Champions for Change is unveiled, introducing a new era of health messaging encouraging children and adults to eat the daily recommended cups of fruits and vegetables, be physically active, and help change conditions in their communities that contribute to obesity California Nutrition Network is formed to build a partnership of community-based organizations to deliver the 5 a Day message. Grows from three local organizations to 200 in ten years New Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends a near doubling of fruits and vegetables, outdating 5 a Day’s recommendation a Day is initiated by the California Department of Health Services, encouraging children and adults to eat the recommended 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
Network for a Healthy California Empowerment, Champions, Change Agents Fruits and Vegetables Physical Activity Chronic Disease Prevention Food Security Primary Targets: Internal Culture, Intermediaries, Consumers Secondary: Policy Makers, Executive Branch, Advocates, Media, Government Partners Tools & Disciplines: Commmunity Development, Systems Change, Policy, Research and Evaluation, Environmental, Industry Practices, Communications
New Name, New Look, New Brand New Department
Network reach into child-oriented sites is growing. Projected Intervention Sites for FFY2008 Intervention SitesCounties Early Childhood Providers91129 After School Programs40526 Schools (K – 12)1,83429 TOTAL3,150
News From the Communication Unit Working with Runyon, Saltzman & Einhorn to develop, test, and produce news ads for FY09 –Creative strategies will remain the same: INCREASE SELF EFFICACY Target’s confidence in her own ability to change. CHANGE SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Target’s perceptions of changes in norms and environments.
News From the Communication Unit New TV Spots – two each in ENG & SPA New SPA Radio New ENG & SPA Outdoor Boards N e w E N G & S P A O u t d o r
News from the Communication Unit Developing a direct marketing program that will reach 1.8 million households three times in –Collaborating with WIC and Project LEAN Developing an updated Food Stamp Office Resource Kit for 280 California food stamp offices –New DVD― New Recipe Cards –New Brochures― New Kiosk
All Regional Collaboratives are working on nutrition education initiatives.
Statewide Surveys and Statistics California Teen Eating, Exercise and Nutrition Survey (CalTEENS)
Statewide Surveys and Statistics California Children’s Healthy Eating and Exercise Practices Survey (CalCHEEPS)
Statewide Surveys and Statistics 5th Year of Impact Evaluation
Statewide Surveys and Statistics 2008 County Profiles of Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in California
California Geographic Information System (GIS) continually updated Los Angeles Area Network School SitesLos Angeles AreaLos Angeles Area Network School Sites and Meal Sites
Harvest of the Month
Network for a Healthy California— Children’s Power Play! Campaign Community Youth Organization Idea & Resource Kit has 20 fun, interactive nutrition education and physical activity lessons for out-of-school youth programs. Kids…Get Cookin’ mini cookbook is available to teachers and youth leaders doing Power Play! lessons. Power Up for Learning is a physical activity supplement to the School Idea & Resource Kit that reinforces the nutrition messages taught in the Kit. We’re looking for 4th and 5th grade classrooms to help with field testing this spring. Look for rebranded materials for the school year. Contact your Power Play! regional coordinator for more information on how to get connected to nutrition and physical activity resources for children.
Youth Empowerment Initiative
Other Leadership Projects After School Program Leadership
Other Leadership Projects First 5 Association of California
Other Leadership Projects Farm to School Taskforce
Other Leadership Projects California Medical Association Foundation Dexter Louie, MD, JD demonstrates a middle school presentation for Physician Champions training attendees in Riverside. Physician Champions are trained on nutrition education and connected to FSNE- approved sites and local resources to help prevent obesity and chronic diseases in FSNE populations.
Training and Professional Development Opportunities
Collaborating with WIC on the new Food Package
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