Brascan Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Canadian controlled since 1950s electrical power, real estate (Canary Wharf) → 42% of Noranda tenth largest employer in Canada in employees, assets of $10.9 billion.
Noranda →59% Falconbridge
Today’s Agenda Noranda in play Review Freight rates and industrial location Intermodal Pricing
Availability of substitutes and elasticity of demand i.e. response of demand to changes in price Backhauling (costs loaded onto “front haul”) Modal competition Within and between modes Break in bulk doubles terminal costs Other factors affecting price structures
Front Haul
Backhaul not Technically Feasible
Piggyback: Early Intermodal System Trailer on Flat Car High terminal costs but low line-haul rates No stacking Trailers must be backed on
Containers, COFC
Intermodal Shipping Canada’s intermodal rail traffic nearly doubled between Indicator of overseas trade Containers are standardized & stackable Two-high is limit for rail On ships, four-high seems to be the limit! In hold and on deck
Expediter Service: Straight truck with sleeper known as a “D- unit” for rush shipments to “just-in-time” auto plants
Air freight: Converted from pax
747 Combi
Transportation “Innovation” and Time-Space Convergence Temporal decline in the friction of distance between two hypothetical points in space Cost ($, time)
1. Demand for Accessibility 2. Technological Development 3. Transportation Innovation 4. Time-Space Convergence 5. Spatial Adaptation (e.g. centralization, specialization) 6. Increased Interaction Form: Stagecoach, railroad etc. Improvement: Road paving, power vs. sail, volume (oil tankers etc.) Reduced friction of distance Relative decline in transp. costs Alters Relative location of econ. activity: More concentrated, differentiated, geog specialized etc. “Engine” of economic growth Why: “Demand”, search for profits, etc.
Declining friction of distance, globalization, and trade Trade and transportation depends on cheap energy Energy supplies are finite… Atmospheric effects of CO, CO 2, NO x, SO 2 will raise the costs of combustion as an energy source Can we find new sources of energy in time? Or will we look back nostalgically on the globalization era based on cheap fuel?