1 Cooperation over Internet, using rich presence Sune Jakobsson, Research manager, Telenor R&D 10 January 2007
2 Outline History Current usage Future Challenges PASTA Issues Status
3 History Traditional –Manual switch board –”Frøken ur” 1934 –Number information –Call Forwarding, InTouch Current and future –Buddylist –Messaging, MSN, Skype, GoogleTalk –M-commerce –Games......multimedia......entertainment.....context awareness..... body networks.....smart devices.....
4 Example – location services Interactive TV Geographic routing (112 –02800) Fleet management Emergency (E112) M-commerce Buddy list /IM services Safety and Security Alarm Tourist attractions Search engines Hospital
5 Telespor GPS GSM/GPRS 418 MHz- transceiver
6 Trådløse Trondheim
7 “Event trigger” WLAN infrastructure mGuide - System Service Discovery Terminal adaptation Payment Position triggering mGuide - Content WAP pages Sound streams (3gpp) Video streams (3gpp) WLANSIM Erkebispegården Content provider access Telenor CSF Web / WAP server Streaming server
8 Nobel Peace centre Oslo St. Olav Hospital Trondheim IBM Research Lab Haifa Site 1Site 2Site 3 IM server Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Local data collection Global context data collection Privacy Presence Server Application Server Rich Presence Server Pattern recognition Smart policy Context services Data abstraction SMS server WAP push server JME client Application and presence data simulator Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Local data collection Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Local data collection Infrastructure Mobility Privacy Backend infrastructure
9 Office space with location zones
Facing Future Challanges Film Previews IMS / SIP / VoIP WiFi / WiMAX / DSL SOA / SDP / OMA FMC / IPTV / PoC
11 Presence lowers communication barriers
12 Presence – A service enabler Presence Platform Instant Messaging Ringbacktones Voic Unified Messaging Games Active desktop Phonebook Address book Push to talk Community apps Office switchboard Fleet management Chat and dating Calendar/PIM
13 What is PASTA Started as “First of a kind” (FOAK) with IBM Focus on ’rich presence’. For example status as ”drive to work”, not only ”unavailable”, ”away” etc. Many aspects that IBM focuses on: Lot of sensors optimize traffic/ dataflow Rule engine, ” pattern recognition ” deduce relevant information ’ privacy ’ and security
14 PASTA Architecture
15 Application API Mobile Network Presence server PASTA WLAN-SIM Location RFID Calendar Prototype overview 3rdParty MSCBS Web Service HLR GSMLocationStatus
16 Learn “Call Zones” Based on: –location –day of week –time of day –people present (simulated data)
17 ProffNett control availability with profiles according to work situation Double call Used for example on home office Voic Hunting Sequential chain Voic Voic if no answer Standard profile outside work hours Voic Secretary if no answer Meeting profile Voic Menu Secretary
18 Commercial ideas Provide “rich presence” to 3rd party developers On company level –Control buildings, heat, lights, guards, alarms, etc. –Switchboards, call to closest employee –Mobile office, team work, rescue –Instant messaging with presence information On individual level –Status for family and friends: In office, On travel, –Instant messaging with presence information –Call routing
19 Issues regarding rich presence When is privacy invaded? What level of automation? What not to combine? How much detail to use? How much history to use? How to control sharing (reselling)?
20 Thank you!