Opening up access for the end user Lynette Lewis Co-ordinator Online Services Yarra Plenty Regional Library
Aim of today’s session Yarra Plenty’s involvement in its development How Yarra Plenty uses Libraries Australia Effects/impact its introduction has had at Yarra Plenty The future
Pilot Project – Information Australia Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service Brisbane City Council Library Northern Regional Library Service Thuringowa Library Service Southern Tablelands Regional Library Service
From Information Australia … Libraries Australia Pilot program finished in 2005 and Libraries Australia was launched Based on Information Australia Seamless changeover for pilot libraries Same functionality All libraries were now able to join it. …Let’s look at how Yarra Plenty uses Libraries Australia
What Yarra Plenty library members can do Search Libraries Australia and APAFT – Via Bruce subscription to APAFT Place their own inter-library loans Search & retrieve full-text journal articles on APAFT Request journal articles if not available in full- text …available 24/7 from anywhere
Limit to online Selection of databases
Sorts Libraries Australia and APAFT results
How does this portal differ? Not just online material as with a regular webpage Allows patron to be in control Does not necessarily give “instantaneous results” Still reliant on the library for the end result
Issues Remote Access Library Australia records not up-to-date Information on the Australian libraries gateway not up-to-date Inter library loan charges Not all libraries use Libraries Australia – As a bibliographic database – The inter library loan request module
Who Benefits? The public – Accessible 24/7 – Able follow up a search by requesting a resource without moving from the computer – Empowers user more The staff – Able to search and request using the same webpage – Empowers staff more – able to provide better customer service – Good back up if LMS is down
The Effects at YPRL… Inter-library loan workflow Inter library loan workload Reference staff skills and workflow Added depth to our collection Borrowers ability to select and order items for themselves 24/7 remote access – taking the library to the borrower
The future We need to look at what might be… not just what we have now Federated searching Library link Web 2.0 technology…what borrowers will expect of the library Taking the library to the borrower Partnerships with Google/Yahoo – Book search – Google scholar
Libraries Australia Better access to Australian library collections Better outreach service to library members Better customer service within the library Google provides exposure to a world of resources…it’s our job to provide access
Lynette Lewis Co-Ordinator Online Services Yarra Plenty Regional Library