INTAS International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS) Dr.


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Presentation transcript:

INTAS International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS) Dr. Gulnara Roll Voronezh, 10 February 2005

INTAS An independent international association formed by the European Community, the European Union member states and like-minded countries in 1993, INTAS promotes scientific co-operation between researchers in the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS) and its member states.

INTAS members and partners 33 member states 12 NIS Partners

INTAS 33 members and 12 partners MEMBERS: 25 member states of the European Union, Bulgaria, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey and the European Community NIS PARTNERS: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan

INTAS objectives (1) promote scientific co-operation the NIS and INTAS member states through various grants and actions

INTAS objectives (2) help preserve the valuable scientific potential in the NIS through international co-operation encourage NIS scientists to participate in European RTD programmes (FP6) encourage networking and mobility between the NIS and European partners focus on young NIS scientists

INTAS budget Major part comes from the European Community (INternational COoperation) ~70 M Euro In kind (staff) and financial contributions from members + Financial contribution from co-sponsors in jointly funded projects 2002 – 2006 ~10 M Euro

The international dimension of the European Research Area Scientific cooperation with scientists from countries outside of the EU brings additional knowledge and expertise, helps to expand the European pool of innovative ideas&research agendas; Unrestricted opening of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) "thematic" part to all third countries, with possible access to the relevant funding in some cases;

Common interests for research between scientists from FP6 countries and the NIS ( formulated by participants of INTAS social sciences and humanities workshop, Brussels, November 2004 ) - Development of new models and comparison of existing modes of modernisation and civil society building; - Research of threats: secuity issues, human trafficking, - Migration issues and its potential aspects destabilising the transitional process - Social, political and economic transformation in societies; growth studies; - Dialogue of cultures between Europe and NIS countries; - Mapping of the research potential in Europe and the NIS

Low participation of NIS scientists in EU FP6 EU FP6 Thematic Area “Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society” Call 2003: Only 31 organisations from NIS countries were involved in proposals in FP6 Priority 7 CITIZENS-3 Call; Only 3% of the projects with participation of NIS scientists were accepted for funding to compare to the overall success rate for proposals in the same Call, which was 10%

Challenges to the participation of NIS scientists in FP6 (1) From FP6 countries’ side: Lack of contacts (how to find a right partner?), Language differences, Different styles of academic work, especially of academic publications, Economic problems of NIS countries social scientists, Problems of involvement - how to ensure that this would be an equal cooperation and not neo-colonialism?

Challenges to the participation of NIS scientists in FP6 (2) From NIS scientists side: How to link with quality proposals, which can get through the highly selective process in the FP6? How to present true added value to potential European consortia to be invited as a partner into a EU RTD project in a situation when in overall there are no incentives for European consortiums to especially involve NIS partners? How to manage to conduct research administration in the same way as European research institutes?

Recommendations to NIS scientists on how to get involved with FP6 projects (1) (Dr. Gabrielle Griffins, FP6 project coordinator) Show your competence in the scientific field, mention your publications; Not only major research institute get involved, also smaller ones Participate in FP6 projects, if have expertise; Check the CORDIS website regularly for new calls information and for partner search – partner search boards and projects databases; Try to get into a new or ongoing project – IP, NoE; Register as an evaluator; being an evaluator for the FP6 allows to get an insight on how to prepare successful proposals;

Recommendations to NIS scientists on how to get involved with FP6 projects (3) (Dr. Gabrielle Griffins, FP6 project coordinator) Try small scale Special Support Action (SSA) projects to prepare for the submission of a more comprehensive proposal – STREP, etc. If you are not successful with a proposal, try it again. “Recycle” proposals to submit to other research funding organisations; However, be aware that proposals have to be written in different Styles to different research funding organisations; Make yourself known; participate in meetings and pursue active networking; Be aware that there are different cultures and academic traditions, which can cause problems.

INTAS funding policies Search for scientific excellence Cover all scientific areas Include fundamental and applied research Support international scientific collaboration Select proposals on the basis of independent evaluations Allocate min. 75% of the funds to NIS teams Focus on young scientist initiatives Encourage NIS partners to participate in FP6

INTAS funding instruments Grants for research projects and networks, Pre-/post PhD fellowships, Innovation activities, Summer schools, scientific policy workshops, Conference grants (new); Infrastructure actions: e-library (not funded in Russia)

INTAS procedures Offers complementary funding, i.e. grants which are in addition to scientists’ normal funding sources and which enable them to engage in international scientific cooperation Regular calls for proposals A two-step peer review evaluation procedure Only online submission, evaluation&management of proposals

Research, networks and infrastructure projects Open call for proposals 2005 Deadline: a two-stage call – aprl spring and autumn , 30 or 36 months duration Min of 4 teams: min. 2 different INTAS states & 2 NIS CO from INTAS member state Btwn 40,000 & 300,000 Euro for duration of project Annual max. of 100,000 Euro Min. 75% of budget to NIS teams. Max.25% to INTAS Members

INTAS Thematic Calls planned for Thematic Calls (are in preparation stage) on Energy, Biotechnology, Social and Human Sciences, Information Technologies, possibly in Environment 2005 Calls conditions are in preparation. Eligibility criteria for Calls 2004 were: Research projects 2 NIS + 2 INTAS members Network: 3 NIS countries + 3 INTAS members Funding: max € 100,000 for grant duration, Duration: 18 or 24 months

INTAS workshops, conference grants bringing together European and NIS scientists P “Refugees, IDPs and Migration Issues in the Caucasus and Central Asia: the Role of Multilateral Organizations”, Oslo, Norway, June 2004

INTAS Young Scientists Summer Schools P

INTAS FP6 NIS Information Network promotes the involvement of NIS scientific communities in European Research Area (ERA), and their participation in FP6 Activities Support to network of FP6 NIPs in the NIS Information dissemination & networking Scientific community-targeted activities / events

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