Water represents a cross-disciplinary issue in comprehensive European security and sustainability strategy in the context of climate change. The research intends: to explore the wide relationships among water cycle, social- security, territorial management, environmental accounting to frame appropriated strategic policy tools meeting the needs of multilevel governance in dealing with spatial, environmental, territorial management WIN_SIESTA Water Indicators for Security Innovative Environmental Social Territorial Approach COORDINATION: Agenda 21 Consulting (ITALY) PARTERS: Universities and Research Centres, Local Administrations (Spain, France, Germany, Estonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, …) Partners required: Water Management Bodies; organizations working on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting Project Idea Prof. Massimo De Marchi – Dr. Claudia Bissacco – Contact persons
Applied research and policy support on the following topics: Sustainability indicators Strategic Environmental Assessment Sustainable management of biodiversity Good practices for sustainable development Local Agenda 21 and participatory processes Sustainable tourism Sustainable transportation policies and good practices Energy and sustainability Corporate social and environmental responsibility Environmental awareness EMS, EMAS, ISO Agenda 21 Consulting srl FIELD OF COMPETENCES Prof. Massimo De Marchi – Dr. Claudia Bissacco – Contact persons
Cooperating in R&D programs about: Path toward sustainable development Sustainable management of resources Assessment tools for sustainable development Climate change Pollution and risks Environmental technologies Corporate social responsibility Governance and local sustainable development Transportation Energy and Sustainability Agenda 21 Consulting srl INTERESTS Prof. Massimo De Marchi – Dr. Claudia Bissacco – Contact persons