Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #1 CS 106 Intro to Comp. Sci. 1 Wednesday, 12/4/02 Questions? Return Test #2 General discussion of HW #05 Introduction to operators Reminders: HW #05 due Monday at 5 Lab Friday as usual (on Operators in C++) Exam is on Wed, Dec 18 at 1:30.
Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #2 Implementing ListClass Default constructor is already complete Input – Ask for Size, then fill in Output – just what it says… Length – Same as private Size AddToList – Remember Size changes Delete – Items must slide down Search – Void function reports either index of item found or lack of success Sort – just what it says….
Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #3 The testing program Be sure to run the given exe file (Does it all work?) and to look at ListFuncs.cpp as a sample. The menu approach works best. Remember that, though it would be nice if everything worked perfectly, you may not be that lucky. Get the functions working one at a time, starting with input and output. To compile, however, you must at least have “stub” implementations of all functions.
Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #4 New topic: Operators in C++ Classes Think back to our first C++ class: Complex We defined functions to add, subtract, multiply, input, and output complex objects. Instead of the dot syntax, could we instead have used +, -, *, >>, and >> ? Answer: Yes!!
Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #5 Operator Syntax If the left hand “operand” is a member of our class (as is the case for +, -, and *), the operator is a “member operator” and can be defined inside the class definition The prototype syntax is (for example): Complex Operator + (Complex x); The implementation syntax is: Complex Complex::Operator + (Complex x);
Wednesday, 12/4/02, Slide #6 Operator Syntax: Input and Output Input and output (extraction and insertion) are different since the left-hand operand is not a class member. Now in the header file you must place the prototype outside of the class definition, and both operands must be parameters. Prototype and implementation syntax are the same, for example: istream& operator >> (istream& in, Complex x) Let’s try it on Complex.h, etc.!!